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Eric Sauvageau edited this page Dec 7, 2016 · 3 revisions

This is the part where you usually put a lot of legalese stuff that nobody reads. I'm not a lawyer, so I'll just make it simple, using my own words rather than some pre-crafted text that will bore you to death:

  1. I take no responsibility for issues caused by this project. I do my best to ensure that everything works fine. If something goes wrong, my apologies.

  2. Copyrights belong to the appropriate individuals/entities, under the appropriate licences. GPL code is covered by GPL, proprietary code is (c)copyright their respective owners, yadda yadda.

  3. I try my best to honor the licences (as far as I can understand them, as a normal human being). Anything GPL or otherwise open-sourced that I modify will see my changes published to Github at some point. A release might get delayed if I'm working using pre-release code. If it's GPL, it will eventually be published - no need to send a horde of legal threats at me.

  4. In any other cases not covered, Common Sense prevails, and I shall also make use of Good Will.

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