SkyCast is a weather forecast Android app designed to provide users with accurate and up-to-date weather information. This project utilizes various Android technologies and architectural patterns to deliver a seamless user experience.
Implementation of the Model View ViewModel and Repository Design Patterns for clean SW architecture
Implementation of RecyclerView to display dynamic lists efficiently.
Implementation of ListAdapter for efficient RecyclerView updates.
Handling Android permissions to ensure proper app functionality.
Integration of location-based services for weather forecasts specific to the user's location.
Introduction to Broadcast Receivers for communication between different components of the app.
Overview of Android Services, including background, foreground, started, bound, IntentService, and JobIntentService.
Implementation of background services for tasks that can run indefinitely.
Creation of foreground services for tasks requiring user interaction.
Usage of started services for tasks initiated by the app and running independently.
Implementation of bound services for inter-component communication.
Implementation of notifications to inform users of important events.
Introduction to WorkManager for efficiently managing background tasks.
Incorporation of coroutines for asynchronous programming in Android.
Integration of Retrofit for handling HTTP requests and API communication.
Usage of Room for local database storage and retrieval.
Introduction to View Binding for improved view access and type safety.
Incorporation of Data Binding for simplified UI updates.
Utilization of one-way data binding for updating the UI from the ViewModel.
Implementation of two-way data binding for seamless interaction between UI and data.
Creation of binding adapters for customizing data binding behavior.