Kamila Sproska, Michał Gadziński, Dominik Stachowiak
This project contains all the steps undertaken to crate a relative database for a singular cinema facility. For the purposes of this exercise database was filled with random data, so that further processes (like creating queries) would return validatable data.
First draft of a database. File multikino_database.vpp contains class diagram, as presented below:
- Tytuły filmów będących obecnie w kinie
- Repertuar na dany dzień
- Dostępność miejsc dla danego seansu
- Daty premier filmów
- Cennik i zniżki
- Informacje o tytule (np opis, reżyseria...)
- Numer sali w której ma się odbywać seans (po zakupie biletu)
- Jakie są opcje rezerwacji x miejsc koło siebie na danym seansie
- Jakie seanse są dostępne danego dnia (opcjonalnie po danej godzinie)
- Wyszukanie wszystkich dostępnych seansów dla danego tytułu
- Tytuły wszystkich filmów z nieodbytymi premierami
- Tytuły wszystkich filmów z gatunku
- Tytuły filmów w danym typie tłumaczenia (napisy, lektor, dubbing, oryginał)
- Tytuły po typie seansu (2d, 3d)
- File f1_creating_empty_tables creates tables in SQL DDL according to the draft.
All entities after normalization:
AgeRestriction (Id_ageRestriction, AgeRestriction_name)
Artist (Id_artnist, Artist_name, Artist_surname, Artist_birth, Artist_gender)
CastAssignment (Id_castAssignment, Fk_artist, Fk_movie, Fk_role)
Country (Id_country, Country_name)
Dimension (Id_dimension, Dimension_name)
Discount (Id_discount, Discount_name)
Genre (Id_genre, Genre_name)
Movie (Id_movie, Movie_name, Movie_description, Movie_premiere, Movie_duration, Fk_ageRestriction)
MovieVersion (Id_movie_version, Fk_seans, Fk_translation, Fk_dimension)
Movie_Country (Id_movie_country, Fk_movie, Fk_country)
Movie_Genre (Id_movie_genre, Fk_movie, Fk_genre)
Movie_MovieVersion (Id_movie_movieVersion, Fk_movie, Fk_movieVersion)
Poster (Id_poster, Poster_path, Fk_movie)
Price (Id_price, Fk_dimention, Fk_discount, Price_value)
Privilege (Id_privilege, Privilege_name)
PrivilegeAssignment (Id_privilegeAssignment, Fk_privilege, Fk_user)
Rating (Id_rating, Fk_Movie, Fk_User, Rating_rate)
Reservation (Id_reservation, Fk_seans, Fk_reservationState, Fk_user)
ReservationState (Id_reservationState, ReservationState_name)
Role (Id_role, Role_name)
Room (Id_room, Room_sign)
Seans (Id_seans, Fk_room, Fk_movieVersion, Seans_date, Seans_time)
Seat (Id_seat, Seat_row, Seat_number, Fk_room)
Ticket (Id_ticket, Fk_seat, Fk_reservation, Fk_discount, Fk_Price)
Translation (Id_translation, Translation_name)
User (Id_user, User_name, User_surname, User_email, User_password, User_birth)
File f4_adding_objects_to_database fills database with objects generated in f3_creating_all_objects.
File f2_3_tables_as_classes contains classes with attributes with the same names and in the same order as they are implemented in SQL DDL.
CREATE TABLE TicketState (
Id_ticketState int not null auto_increment,
TicketState_name varchar(255),
PRIMARY KEY (Id_ticketState)
class TicketState(ObjectWithCounter, AddableToDatabase):
def __init__(self, ticket_state_name: str):
self.Id_ticketState: int = TicketState.next()
self.TicketState_name: str = ticket_state_name
- File Interfejs contains a pdf version of the database interface created in Balsamiq.
- File queries contains queries created according to the needs that came up while planing the interface. In the comment of each query there are numbers relating to the page number in the interface file.
File creating_indexes contains the script creating Indexes for SQL tables according to the need stemming from the created queries.
File f1_creating_empty_tables creates tables in SQL DDL according to the modified draft.