In this project, I dived into the world of customer service and analysed the performance of a Call Centre. This project aims to assess how well the company is doing in terms of the services provided to its customers and to gain insights into how the customers perceive the business.
Below are the questions this analysis tends to answer.
- What is the total number of calls received across the various call centres?
- On average how much time do customers spend on a call?
- What are the reasons for the call?
- How satisfied are the customers with our services?
- Which of our channels do customers prefer to use?
- How do the customers perceive our business?
Microsoft Power BI
In this project, I demonstrated my expertise in the following areas:
✅ Researching the industry to understand the business requirements
✅ Data exploration to understand the columns
✅ Connecting the data to Power BI
✅ Data Manipulation and Transformation
✅ Data Manipulation using Advanced DAX (SUM, COUNT, IF, VAR, MINX, MAXX, CONCATENATEX, FILTER, CALCULATE, ADDCOLUMNS) to create measures
✅ Comparing Key performance metrics to the industry standard.
✅ Making recommendations based on the insights derived from the analysis.
The dataset used is #RWFD gotten from here
A new column was created to sort and order the variables in the sentiment column for easy analysis.
The dashboard contains 3 highly interactive pages that help answer the business questions. You can interact with the report here