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bud-aj29 edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 24 revisions


Welcome to the Bedrock-Technical-Resource-Pack wiki! This is a project that aims to provide tools to design and build farms in a survival/achievements enabled world. This means we are not using behavior packs, commands, or other items that the normal player on a typical server would not have access to. To do that we have to use an armor stand as an anchor for the tools as it is the only entity that can be placed on a single block and be switched manipulated. If a person can find a way to make the tridents or other AI-free entities host several geometries we are looking for contributions.

Contributing (Please do!)

If you are willing to contribute to this wiki please make changes and put in the proper pull requests, we appreciate any help that people can provide

If you have a mechanic you want to add and you have the skills to work on texture packs, please add it, test it, and submit a PR. Note we do want to be consistent about using pre-calculated values to reduce lag from this pack so follow similar formats and use the calculations that are already present if possible.

If you noticed we missed a volume/area or mechanic that you would like to see but do not know how to implement, please submit an issue. If you want this to be completed quickly please add all the information you have on the spawning mechanic. Ideally we would have a testing world, images, alignment information, numbers ECT.

Structura Compatibility

This pack is compatible with only simple Structura packs. This means the name tag feature cannot be used in conjunction with this pack. In future releases of structura this may change, however any pack that was generated with Structura 1.4 or below cannot use the name tag feature if you want it to work with this pack.

what can this pack do

The following table will give you the item the armor stand must be holding to show you various affected areas. Details for what this means are in other spots on the wiki.

Mode Item 1 Item 2
01. Buried Treasure Location filled_map -
02. Chunk Lines Around Player firework_rocket nautilus_shell
03. Crop Watering Area water_bucket wheat_seeds
04. Density Check Area chest -
05. Enderman Aggro to Endermite Radius, and Enderman Teleport Cube ender_pearl -
06. Guardian Spawn Spots prismarine_shard -
07. Illager Targeting Radii crossbow -
08. Iron Golem Spawn Area and Village Boundary (assuming you know center bed) iron_ingot red_flower (poppy)
09. Outpost Spawn Spots (may have 1, 2 or 4 spots depending on outpost rotation) banner -
10. Scare Area For Creepers and Skeletons gunpowder -
11. Simulation Distances stick -
12. Slime Chunk Markers nautilus_shell -
13. Spawn Sphere planks -
14. Spawner Areas (player range, density check, spawn volume) string -
15. Spider Block Pattern spider_eye -
16. Sugar Cane Pattern sugar_cane -
17. Torch Light Area (horizontal) torch -
18. Turtle Egg Zombie Aggro turtle_egg rotten_flesh
19. Witch Hut Spawn Spot sugar -