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13. Spawn Sphere

bud-aj29 edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 4 revisions


The game is different for each of the "sim distances". Right now the default pack supports sim 4. This has the rules of each player having a spawnable area between 24 blocks from the player to 44 blocks from the player in a straight line manor. In greater sim distances things become more strange as Sim 4 is kind of a special case. In higher Sim distances the spawn radius still starts at 24 blocks however extends out to 128 blocks with the last chunk being simulated does not allow for spawning. This means in the X-Z plane, the spawnable area is related to the "taxi cab" sim area, however the Y direction is always 128 for chunks that spawning is turn on.

  • Sim-4 (R44) spawning
    • For R44 a spinning sphere cross section is used to show what blocks are spawnable. The colors are just for contrast, and do not indicate different mechanics.

How To Use

To use this feature, place an armor stand on the center block of checking area. The displayed rings represent radii from player;

  1. r24 minimum spawn distance

  2. r34 beginning of random despawn range

  3. r44 maximum spawn distance