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Releases: RedisInsight/RedisInsight

2.32 (August 2023)

31 Aug 12:14
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2.32 (August 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.32.


  • Easily provision a free database to use with the RedisInsight interactive tutorials to learn, among others, how to leverage Vector Similarity Search for your AI use cases or discover the power of the native JSON data structure supporting structured querying and full-text search. Take advantage of the in-app social sign-up to Redis Enterprise Cloud to quickly provision a free database with Redis Stackโ€™s capabilities. Try the latest 7.2 release which delivers the new Triggers and Functions feature, allowing you to execute server-side functions written in JavaScript that are either triggered by a keyspace change, by a stream entry arrival, or by explicitly calling them, empowering developers to build and maintain real-time applications by moving business logic closer to the data, ensuring a lower latency whilst delivering the best developer experience.
  • Select a custom installation directory on Windows OS for when multi-user access to the app is required.


Features and improvements

  • #2270, #2271, #2437 Added the ability to quickly provision a free Redis Enterprise Cloud database via in-app social signup (Google or GitHub). Use the database with the RedisInsight interactive tutorials or try the latest 7.2 release which delivers the new Triggers and Functions feature. To quickly create and automatically add a free Redis Enterprise Cloud database to RedisInsight, click the "Try Redis Cloud" banner in the list of database connections page and follow the steps.
  • #2455 Select a custom installation directory on Windows OS
  • #2373, #2387 Delete all command results in Workbench at once
  • #2458 Added in-app hints in Browser and Workbench to get started with RedisInsight interactive tutorials
  • #2422 Ignore the empty lines in files when uploading data in bulk
  • #2470 Preset the header containing the engine, the API version and the library name in the JavaScript file when creating a new library within the Triggers and Functions tool

2.30 (July 2023)

27 Jul 16:13
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2.30 (July 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.30.


Introducing support for triggers and functions that bring application logic closer to your data and give Redis powerful features for event-driven data processing


Features and improvements

#2247, #2249, #2273, #2279 Support for triggers and functions that add the capability to execute server-side functions triggered by events or data operations to:

  • Speed up applications by running the application logic where the data lives
  • Eliminate the need to maintain the same code across different applications by moving application functionality inside the Redis database
  • Maintain consistent data when applications react to any keyspace change
  • Improve code resiliency by backing up and replicating triggers and functions along with the database

Triggers and functions work with a JavaScript engine, which lets you take advantage of JavaScriptโ€™s vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks and modern, expressive syntax.

2.28 (June 2023)

29 Jun 15:19
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2.28 (June 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.28.


  • Quickly and conveniently add Redis Cloud databases that belong to fixed subscriptions using the auto-discovery tool
  • UX optimizations in Browser for an improved experience when performing full-text search and queries, filtering, and bulk actions.
  • Support for a monospaced font in JSON key types


Features and improvements

  • #2198, #2207 Automatically discover and add Redis Cloud databases that belong to fixed subscriptions using the Redis Enterprise Cloud option on the form to auto-discover databases.
  • #2146,#2161 Added UX optimizations in the Browser layout to improve the experience when performing full-text search and queries, filtering, and bulk actions.
  • #2200 Changed to a monospaced font in JSON key types, and JSON formatters in Browser and Workbench.
  • #2204 Re-bind default RedisInsight port from 5001 to 5530 to avoid conflicts with other applications
  • #2120 Added the ability to investigate the commands processed by Redis or Redis Stack server without the need to stop Profiler when a new record appears.
  • #2186 Unified the RedisInsight icon with other macOS applications.


  • #2154 Display (integer) 0 instead of nil in ZRANK results in Workbench

2.26.0 (May 2023)

31 May 15:42
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2.26 (May 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.26.


  • Introducing Insights (Beta): a new right-side panel that displays contextualised database recommendations for optimizing performance and memory usage. The list of recommendations gets updated as you interact with your database. Check out the paired-up tutorials to learn about the recommended feature and vote to provide feedback. This functionality is being rolled out gradually to the user base.
  • Support for bulk data upload in custom tutorials: quickly upload sample datasets from your custom RedisInsight tutorials to share your Redis expertise with your team and the wider community.


Features and improvements

  • #1847, #1901, #1957, #1972 Launching Insights (Beta): a new right-side panel that displays contextualised database recommendations for optimizing performance and memory usage. The list of recommendations gets updated in real-time as you interact with your database taking into account database configuration, user actions and accessed data. Consult the paired-up tutorials to learn more about the recommended feature. This functionality is being rolled out gradually to the user base in order to allow the RedisInsight team to learn and adjust the recommendations. Provide feedback directly in the app or the GitHub repository.
  • #2019 Quickly upload sample data sets in bulk from your custom RedisInsight tutorials to share your Redis expertise with your team and the wider community. Use a text file with the list of Redis commands and follow our simple instructions to include example data sets in your custom RedisInsight tutorials
  • #2010, #2012, #2013 Optimized the logic when filtering per data type in Browser to avoid unnecessary TYPE commands


  • #2014 Display the actual command processing time in Workbench when results are grouped

2.24.0 (April 2023)

28 Apr 16:22
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2.24 (April 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.24.


  • Bulk data upload: upload the list of Redis commands from a text file using the new bulk action available in the Browser tool. Use the bulk data upload with custom RedisInsight tutorials to quickly load your example data set.
  • Support for images in custom tutorials: showcase your Redis expertise with your team and the wider community by building shareable RedisInsight tutorials.
  • JSON formatter support for the JSON.GET, JSON.MGET, GET commands output in Workbench
  • Added Brotli and PHP GZcompress to the list of supported decompression formats to view your data in a human-readable format


Features and improvements

  • #1930, #1961 Upload the list of Redis commands from a text file using the new bulk action available in the Browser tool. Use the bulk data upload with custom RedisInsight tutorials to quickly load your example data set.
  • #1936, #1939 Added support for images in custom tutorials, available in Workbench. Showcase your Redis expertise with your team and the wider community by building shareable tutorials. Use markdown syntax described in our instructions to build tutorials.
  • #1946 See the output of JSON.GET, JSON.MGET, GET formatted in JSON in Workbench.
  • #1876 Ability to delete a key directly in the list of keys in Browser without the need to view its values.
  • #1889, #1900 Added Brotli and PHP GZcompress to the list of supported decompression formats to view your data in a human-readable format. Is configurable when when adding a database connection.
  • #1886 Enhanced command syntax in CLI, Workbench, and Command Helper to align with
  • #1975 Renamed the "Display On System Tray" to "Show in Menu Bar" on macOS


  • #1990 Keep the SNI parameters previously specified when a database connection is edited
  • #1999 Keep the database index previously set when a database connection is edited

2.22.1 (March 2023)

30 Mar 15:28
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2.22.1 (March 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.22.


  • Share your Redis expertise with your team and the wider community by building custom RedisInsight tutorials. Use our instructions to describe your implementations of Redis for other users to follow and interact with in the context of a connected Redis database
  • Take a quick tour of RedisInsight to discover how it can enhance your development experience when building with Redis or Redis Stack
  • Select from a list of supported decompression formats to view your data in a human-readable format


Features and improvements

  • #1782, #1813 Share your Redis expertise with your team and the wider community by building custom RedisInsight tutorials. The tutorials use markdown and are easy to write. They are an ideal way to describe practical implementations of Redis so users can follow and interact with commands in the context of an already connected Redis database. Check out these instructions to start creating your own tutorials. Let the community discover your content by labeling your GitHub repository with redis-tutorials
  • #1834 Take a quick tour of RedisInsight to discover how it can enhance your development experience. To start the tour, in the left-side navigation, open the Help Center (above the Settings icon), reset the onboarding and open the Browser page
  • #1742, #1753, #1755, #1762 Configure one of the following data decompression formats when adding a database connection to view your data in a human-readable format: GZIP, LZ4, ZSTD, SNAPPY
  • #1787 Added UX improvements to the search by values of keys feature in Browser: Enable the search box after the index is selected


  • #1808 Prevent errors when running Docker RedisInsight on Safari Version 16.2
  • #1835 Display total memory and total keys for replicas in Sentinel

2.20.0 (February 2023)

01 Mar 15:19
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2.20.0 (February 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.20.


  • Visualizations of search and graph execution plans in Workbench
  • Guided walkthrough of RedisInsight tools and capabilities for new users
  • Bulk export database connections to a file
  • Upload values of RedisJSON from a file for new keys in Browser
  • Visualizations of CLIENT LIST in Workbench
  • See filters previously used in Browser


Features and improvements

  • #1629, #1739, #1740, #1781 Investigate and optimize your search and graph queries with new visualizations of execution plans in Workbench. Visualizations are supported for FT.EXPLAIN,FT.PROFILE, GRAPH.EXPLAIN, and GRAPH.PROFILE.
  • #1698 Explore RedisInsight's tools and capabilities with a new walkthrough when you start RedisInsight for the first time.
  • #1631, #1632 Migrate your database connections to another RedisInsight instance by performing a bulk export of database connections to a file.
  • #1741 Upload RedisJSON values from a file for new keys in Browser.
  • #1653 Analyze client connections using new Workbench visualizations for CLIENT LIST.
  • #1625 Quickly set filters previously used in Browser by selecting them from the list of recently used filters.
  • #1713 See your new Redis keys added in Browser without a need to refresh the list of keys.
  • #1681, #1692, #1693 Avoid the timeout connection errors by configuring the connection timeout for databases added manually via host and port.
  • #1696, #1703 Test the database connection before adding the database.
  • #1689 Update the port of an existing database connection instead of adding a new one.
  • #1731 Use database indexes based on INFO keyspace.


  • #1678 Prevent crashes when SSH is set up on Linux.
  • #1697 Prevent crashes when working with Redis streams with large IDs.

2.18.0 (January 2023)

31 Jan 17:40
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2.18.0 (January 2023)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.18.


  • Support for SSH tunnel to connect to your Redis database
  • Ability to switch between database indexes while connected to your database
  • Recommendations on how to optimize the usage of your database


Features and improvements

  • #1567, #1576, #1577 Connect to your Redis database via SSH tunnel using a password or private key in PEM format.
  • #1540, #1608 Switch between database indexes while connected to your database in Browser, Workbench, and Database Analysis.
  • #1457, #1465, #1590 Run Database Analysis to generate recommendations on how to save memory and optimize the usage of your database. These recommendations are based on industry standards and Redis best practices. Upvote or downvote recommendations in terms of their usefulness.
  • #1598 Check and highlight the JSON syntax using new Monaco Editor.
  • #1583 Click a pencil icon to make changes to database aliases.
  • #1579 Increase the database password length limitation to 10,000.

2.16.0 (December 2022)

28 Dec 13:57
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2.16.0 (December 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.16.


  • Bulk import database connections from a file
  • Navigation enhancements for the Tree view
  • Pre-populated host, port, and database alias in the form when adding a new Redis database


Features and improvements

  • #1492, #1497, #1500, #1502 Migrate your database connections from other Redis GUIs, including, with the new feature to bulk import database connections from a file.
  • #1506 Pre-populated host (, port (6379, or 26379 for Sentinel connection type), and database alias in the form when adding a new Redis database
  • #1473 "Browser" view is renamed to the "List" view to avoid confusion with the Browser tool
  • #1464 Navigation enhancements for the Tree view, covering cases when filters are applied, the list of keys is refreshed or the view is switched to the Tree view
  • #1481, #1482, #1489 Indication of new database connections that have been manually added, auto-discovered or imported, but not opened yet
  • #1499 Display values of JSON keys when JSON.DEBUG MEMORY is not available


  • #1514 Scan the database even when the DBSIZE returns 0

2.14.0 (November 2022)

30 Nov 08:30
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2.14.0 (November 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.14.


  • Support for search capabilities in Browser: create secondary index via dedicated form, run queries and full-text search in Browser or Tree view
  • Ability to resize the column width of key values when displaying hashes, lists, and sorted sets
  • Command processing time displayed as part of the result in Workbench


Features and improvements

  • #1345, #1346, #1376 Added support for search capabilities in Browser tool. Create secondary index of your data using a dedicated form. Conveniently run your queries and full-text search against the preselected index and display results in Browser or Tree view.
  • #1385 Ability to resize the column width of key values when displaying hashes, lists, and sorted sets
  • #1354 Do not scroll to the end of results when double-clicking a command output in CLI
  • #1347 Display the command processing time as part of the result in Workbench (time taken to process the command by both RedisInsight backend and Redis)
  • #1351 Display the namespaces section in the Database analysis report when no namespaces were found