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Releases: RedisInsight/RedisInsight

2.12.0 (October 2022)

31 Oct 18:22
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2.12.0 (October 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.12.


  • Database Analysis: Get insights and optimize the usage and performance of your Redis or Redis Stack based on the overview of the memory and data type distribution, big or complicated keys, and namespaces used
  • Faster initial loading of the list of keys in Browser and Tree views
  • Performance optimizations for large results in Workbench


Features and improvements

  • #1207, #1222, #1295, #1159, #1231, #1155 Get insights and optimize the usage and performance of your Redis or Redis Stack with Database Analysis. Navigate to Analysis Tools and scan up to 10,000 keys in the database to see the summary of memory allocation and the number of keys per Redis data type, memory likely to be freed over time, top 15 key namespaces, and the biggest keys found. You can extrapolate results based on the total number of keys or see the exact results for the number of keys scanned.
  • #1280 Speed up the initial load of the key list in Browser and Tree views
  • #1285 Support for infinite floating point numbers in sorted sets
  • #1290 Performance optimizations to process large results of Redis commands in Workbench


  • #1293 Fixed Workbench visualizations in Redis Stack

2.10.0 (September 2022)

29 Sep 12:49
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2.10.0 (September 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.10.


  • Formatters: Additional support for values of keys with Protobuf, Binary, PHP unserialize (view and edit serialized PHP values as JSON), and Java serialized objects, save formatters selected when viewing other keys
  • New overview for cluster databases displays memory and key allocation as well as database information per shards
  • Configure Workbench to persist the Editor after commands have been run and group the results
  • Complete an optional user survey


Features and improvements

  • #1159, #1160, #1068, #1071, #1095, #1097, #1098 A dedicated Analysis Tools page displays memory and key allocation in cluster databases as well as database information per shards
  • #1017, #1025, #1029, #1059, #1092 Added support for additional data formats in Browser/Tree view, including Protobuf, Binary, Pickle, PHP unserialize (view and edit serialized PHP values as JSON), and Java serialized objects
  • #1130 Save formatters selected when viewing other keys
  • #1177 Add a validation when edited value is not valid in the selected format in Browser/Tree view
  • #1048 Configure Workbench to persist the Editor after commands have been run
  • #1119 Pipeline mode configuration for Workbench moved to Settings > Workbench
  • #1149 Save Workbench space by grouping results
  • #1162 Complete an optional user survey
  • #1037 Added tooltip to display long fields in Redis Streams
  • #1202 Removed format validations from the admin username in the Redis Enterprise Cluster autodiscovery process


  • #1180 Fix to display full values for truncated TTL in munutes
  • #1197 Workbench is now available even when encryption failed
  • #1176 Save the refresh value in Browser/Tree view
  • #1101 Fixed an issue when key names are not displayed

2.8.0 (August 2022)

23 Aug 13:03
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2.8.0 (August 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.8.0


  • Formatters: See formatted key values in JSON, MessagePack, Hex, Unicode, or ASCII in Browser/Tree view for an improved experience of working with different data formats.
  • Clone existing database connection or connection details: Clone the database connection you previously added to have the same one, but with a different database index, username, or password.
  • Raw mode in Workbench: Added support for the raw mode in Workbench results


Features and improvements

  • #978, #959, #984, #996, #992, #1030 Added support for different data formats in Browser/Tree view, including JSON, MessagePack, Hex, and ASCII. If selected, formatter is applied to the entire key value and is available for any data type supported in Browser/Tree view. If any non-printable characters are detected, data editing is available only in Workbench and CLI to avoid data loss.
  • #955 Quickly clone a database connection to have the same one, but with a different database index, username, or password. Open a database connection in the edit mode, request to clone it, and make the changes needed. The original database connection remains the same.
  • #1012 Added support for the raw mode (--raw) in Workbench. Enable it to see the results of commands executed in the raw mode.
  • #987 DBSIZE command is no longer required to connect to a database.
  • #971 Updated icon for the RediSearch Light module.
  • #1011 Enhanced navigation in the Command Helper allowing you to return to previous actions.

Bugs fixed

  • #1009 Fixed an error on automatic discovery of Sentinel databases.
  • #978 Work with non-printable characters. To avoid data loss, when non-printable characters are detected, key and value are editable in Workbench and CLI only.

2.6.0 (July 2022)

26 Jul 07:54
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2.6.0 (July 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.6.0


  • Bulk actions: Delete the keys in bulk based on the filters set in Browser or Tree view
  • Multiline support for key values in Browser and Tree View: Click the key value to see it in full
  • Pipeline support in Workbench: Batch Redis commands in Workbench to optimize round-trip times
  • In-app notifications: Receive messages about important changes, updates, or announcements inside the application. Notifications are always available in the Notification center, and can be displayed with or without preview.


Features and improvements:

  • #890, #883, #875 Delete keys in bulk from your Redis database in Browser and Tree view based on filters you set by key name or data type.
  • #878 Multiline support for key values in Browser and Tree View: Select the truncated value to expand the row and see the full value, select again to collapse it.
  • #837, #838 Added pipeline support for commands run in Workbench to optimize round-trip times. Default number of commands sent in a pipeline is 5, and is configurable in Settings > Advanced.
  • #862, #840 Added in-app notifications to inform you about any important changes, updates, or announcements. Notifications are always available in the Notification center, and can be displayed with or without preview.
  • #830 To more easily explore and work with stream data, always display stream entry ID and controls to remove the Stream entry regardless of the number of fields.
  • #928 Remember the sorting on the list of databases.

Bugs fixed:

  • #932 Refresh the JSON value in Browser/Tree view.

2.4.0 (June 2022)

27 Jun 11:30
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2.4.0 (June 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.4.0


  • Pub/Sub: Added support for Redis pub/sub enabling subscription to channels and posting messages to channels.
  • Consumer groups: Added support for streams consumer groups enabling provision of different subsets of messages from the same stream to many clients for inspection and processing.
  • Database search: Search the list of databases added to RedisInsight to quickly find the required database.


Features and improvements:

  • #760, #737, #773 Added support for Redis pub/sub enabling subscription to channels and posting messages to channels. Currently does not support sharded channels.
  • #717, #683, #684, #688, #720, Added support for streams consumer groups to manage different groups and consumers for the same stream, explicit acknowledgment of processed items, ability to inspect the pending items, claiming of unprocessed messages, and coherent history visibility for each single client.
  • #754 New All Relationship toggle for RedisGraph visualizations in Workbench. Enable it to see all relationships between your nodes.
  • #788 Quickly search the list of databases added to RedisInsight per database alias, host:port, or the last connection to find the database needed.
  • #788 Overview displays the number of keys per the logical database connected if this number is not equal to the total number in the database.

Bugs Fixed:

  • #774 Fixed cases when not all parameters are received in Overview.
  • #810 Display several streams values with the same timestamp.

2.2.0 (GA)

30 May 07:43
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2.2.0 (May 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.2.0


  • SlowLog: New tool based on results of the Slowlog command to analyze slow operations in Redis instances
  • Streams: Added support for Redis Streams
  • Open the list of keys or key details in full screen
  • Automatically refresh the list of keys and key values with a timer


Features and improvements:

  • #621 , #645 , #649 Added SlowLog, a tool that displays the list of logs captured by the Slowlog command to analyze all commands that exceed a specified runtime, which helps in troubleshooting performance issues. Specify both the runtime and the maximum length of SlowLog (which are server configurations) to configure the list of commands logged and set the auto-refresh interval to automatically update the list of commands displayed.
  • #597 , #598, #601 , #603 , #608 , #613 , #614 , #632 Support for Redis Streams, including creation and deletion of Streams, addition and deletion of entries, and filtration of entries per timestamp. Consumer groups will be added in a future release.
  • #643 List of keys or key details are supported in full screen mode. To open the key list in full screen, close the key details. To open key details in full screen, use the new Full Screen control in key details section.
  • #633 Automatically refresh the list of keys and key values with a timer. To do so, enable the Auto Refresh mode by clicking the control next to the Refresh button and set the refresh rate.
  • #634 Removed the max value limitation in the Database Index field of the form for adding a new database.

Bugs Fixed:

  • #656 Binary key names will not trigger errors in databases with enabled OSS Cluster API. Data type, TTL, and size of such keys are displayed in the list of keys in all Redis instances. Key details are currently not available.

2.0.6 (GA)

27 Apr 14:47
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2.0.6 (April 2022)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.0.6


  • SNI support - added SNI support to indicate a hostname in the TLS handshake
  • Save Profiler logs into a file - now you can save and download Profiler logs into a .TXT file
  • Customize delimiters in Tree view - added support for custom delimiters in Tree view
  • Support for node grouping and pulsing in RedisGraph visualizations in Workbench


Features and improvements:

  • #548, #542 Added SNI support - use the "Add Database Manually" form to see the new "Use SNI" option under the TLS section to specify the server name and connect to your Redis Database
  • #521 Added an option to save Profiler logs. Enable saving before starting the Profiler to save the logs into a .TXT file and download it to analyze them outside of the application
  • #496 Now you can specify your own delimiters to work with namespaces in the Tree view, default delimiter is colon (':')
  • #473 Added a link to GitHub repository of RedisInsight to quickly find and access it - you can see the icon below the "Settings"
  • #586 Added support for node grouping and pulsing in the visualisations for RedisGraph in Workbench
  • #455 Limited the movement of the special editor with Cypher highlights to Workbench Editor area (to work with it, just type in RedisGraph commands in Workbench)
  • #462 Provided additional information about database indexes in the form to add a database using host and port
  • #489 Reworked user experience with filters per key type and key name in Browser
  • #535 Added highlights of timestamps and improved text wrapping in Profiler

Bug fixes:

  • #581 Fixed the issue with displaying keys in multi-shard databases
  • #576 Fixed encoding in Workbench

2.0.5 (GA)

23 Mar 09:18
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2.0.5 (March 2022, GA)

This is the General Availability (GA) release of RedisInsight 2.0.


  • Tree view - A new view of the keys in Browser, which automatically groups keys scanned in your database into folders based on key namespaces. Now you can navigate through and analyze your list of keys quicker by opening only folders with namespaces you want.
  • Support for Apple M1 (arm64) - You can download it here.
  • Added auto-discovery of local databases - RedisInsight will automatically find and add your local databases when you open the application for the first time.
  • A dedicated Editor for Cypher syntax - Workbench supports autocomplete and highlighting of Cypher syntax for RedisGraph queries.


  • You can switch to the Tree view in Browser to see all the keys grouped into folders according to their namespaces. Note that we use the colon (:) as a default separator, and it is not customizable yet.
  • Added support for Apple M1 (arm64).
  • Added a mechanism to auto-discover local databases based on the following parameters:
    • The mechanism only triggers when you open the application for the first time.
    • The database has standalone connection type.
    • The database uses the default username and requires no password or TLS certificates.
  • Added new built-in guides in Workbench for additional capabilities.
  • Added tutorials in Workbench for Redis Stack databases that describe common use cases for Redis capabilities.
  • Added a new dedicated Editor to Workbench with support for Cypher syntax autocomplete and highlighting. Use the “Shift+Space” shortcut inside of the quotes for your query to open the dedicated Editor.
  • Show modules uploaded to databases in the list of databases.
  • Added support for returning to the previous command in Workbench Editor. Use arrow up when your cursor is at the beginning of the first row to return to the previous command. Note: there is no support for the reverse direction yet, so use it with caution.

If you installed RedisInsight-preview before, this folder will still exist at the following path:

  • For MacOs: /.redisinsight-preview
  • For Windows: C:/Users/{Username}/.redisinsight-preview
  • For Linux: /.redisinsight-preview


08 Feb 09:51
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2.0.4 (February 2022)

This is the maintenance release of RedisInsight Preview 2.0 (v2.0.4)!


  • Fixes to the issues found
  • Profiler
    • Added RedisInsight Profiler, which uses the MONITOR command to analyze every command sent to the redis instance in real-time.
  • Workbench:
    • Added support for RedisGears and RedisBloom on the intelligent Redis command auto-complete.
    • Keep command results previously received in the Workbench.
    • Support for repeating commands.
  • CLI:
    • Added support for RedisGears and RedisBloom on the intelligent Redis command auto-complete.
    • Support for repeating commands.
  • Command Helper:
    • Added information about RedisGears and RedisBloom Redis commands.


  • Profiler
    • Added RedisInsight Profiler, which uses the MONITOR command to analyze every command sent to the redis instance in real-time. Note: Running the MONITOR command is dangerous to the performance of your production server, so run it reasonably and remember to stop the Profiler.
  • Workbench:
    • Added support for RedisGears and RedisBloom on the intelligent Redis command auto-complete, so the list of similar commands and their arguments are displayed when you start typing any RedisGears or RedisBloom commands.
    • Keep command results (up to 1MB) previously received in the Workbench, so they are available even after you restart the application.
    • Connect Workbench to the database index selected when adding a database.
    • To repeat any command in Workbench, just enter any integer and then a Redis command with arguments.
  • CLI:
    • Added support for RedisGears and RedisBloom on the intelligent Redis command auto-complete, so hints with arguments are displayed when you enter any RedisGears or RedisBloom commands
    • CLI is by default connected to the database index selected when adding a database. Added displaying of the database index connected.
    • To repeat any command in CLI, just enter any integer and then a Redis command with arguments.
  • Command Helper:
    • Added information about RedisGears and RedisBloom Redis commands.
  • Core:
    • Fixed an issue with displaying parameter values in the Overview when no information is received for these parameters.


28 Dec 16:08
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2.0.3 (December 2021)

This is the maintenance release of RedisInsight Preview 2.0 (v2.0.3).


  • Workbench:
    • Added indications of commands
    • New hints with the list of command arguments
    • Reworked navigation for the built-in guides
  • Help Center:
    • Added a page with list of supported keyboard shortcuts
  • Core:
    • Uncoupled Command Helper from CLI
    • Renamed ZSET to Sorted Set


  • Browser:
    • Changed the format of TTL in the list of keys
  • CLI:
    • Fixed a bug with FT.CREATE command that rendered the window blank
  • Workbench:
    • Fixed a bug to avoid executing the Redis command one more time when the view of results is changed
    • Added a new information message when there are no results to display
    • Added indications of commands (currently, not clickable) in Editor area to point out the lines where commands start
    • Added new hints in Editor to display the list of command arguments with the following keyboard shortcuts:
      • Ctrl+Shift+Space for Windows and Linux
      • ⌘ ⇧ Space for Mac
    • Added support for remembering the state (expanded or collapsed) for left side panel in Workbench
    • Reworked navigation for the built-in guides
    • Changed icons for default and custom plugins
  • Command Helper:
    • Changed titles of command groups to make them consistent with
  • Help Center:
    • Added a page with supported keyboard shortcuts
  • Core:
    • Reworked logic to open CLI and Command Helper, added an option to open Command Helper without a need to open CLI
    • Changed fonts and colors across the application to enhance readability
    • Renamed ZSET to Sorted Set
    • Added description of RedisGears and RedisBloom commands to hints in CLI, Command Helper, and Workbench
    • Added support for automatic updates to the list of commands and their description in CLI, Command Helper, and Workbench