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Ski Resort

Project Description:

The Ski Resort Application allows users to view offered services, make or cancel a booking, or view available supplies and booking dates. The Application takes advantage of the built in form calendar to showcase what dates can be booked. A user can dynamically add party members to their trip or choose to go solo. They can apply different services to either the group or individuals in the group. Every service and product has been priced, available with discounts when purchased in bulk. A total estimated price is shown at the end of each step in the booking process and a final price at the end of purchase before the user’s final confirmation.

Technologies Used:

  • Python version 3.9
  • Bootstrap version 4.3.1
  • Popper version 1.14.7
  • JQuery version 3.3.1
  • Java version 8.0
  • JavaScript version ES6.0(ECMAScript 2018)
  • HTML version 5.0
  • CSS version 3.0
  • Cucumber version 3.0
  • Behave version 1.2.6
  • click version 7.1.2
  • Flask version 1.1.2
  • Flask-Cors version 3.0.10
  • itsdangerous version 1.1.0
  • Jinja2 version 2.11.3
  • MarkupSafe version 1.1.1
  • parse version 1.19.0
  • parse-type version 0.5.2
  • pip version 21.1.1
  • psycopg2 version 2.8.6
  • selenium version 3.141.0
  • setuptools version 49.2.1
  • six version 1.16.0
  • style version 1.1.0
  • update version 0.0.1
  • urllib3 version 1.26.4
  • Werkzeug version 1.0.1


List of features ready and TODOs for future development

  • Booking Process - Allows a user to book a trip and pre-pay for all the activities they wish to enjoy on the trip. They can cancel at anytime. The forms autosave so a user can leave and come back later to finish their booking.
  • A fully functioning and navigatable website - Users can look through to pre-view all the features our Ski Resort has to offer.

To-do list:

  • Allow employees to view and catalog inventory
  • Allow employees to add new catalog items and events based on dates

Getting Started

  • Using pycharm: create local virtual environment(venv) in your project

  • pip install

  • flask pip install flask_cors

  • pip install behave

  • pip install selenium

  • pip install psycopg2

  • install the cucumber plugin for pycharm

All Platform compatible

  • All the code required to get started
  • Load the home.html in your local browser
  • It is located in (project name)/website/home.html


Click through the pages of the website until you decide you would like to make a booking. Web pages are designed to be intuitive so to get to the booking process you can click on any of the links that refer to "book now". You can click back at any point in the booking process and any data you previously filled in will auto-refill.


dwaynej730 Jgay90 jbrezen lamarhinchen


This project uses the following license: <GPL-3.0 License>.