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Edson Passos edited this page Mar 17, 2021 · 2 revisions


Admin commands:

  • /tb create <name> - creates a game with the specified name
  • /tb start <game> - starts this game
  • /tb cancel - cancels the current game
  • /tb setdestination general_exit - sets the general exit
  • /tb setdestination <game> <destination> - sets a destination point
  • /tb setkit <game> - sets your inventory as the kit
  • /tb setprize <game> <prize> <receiver> - sets your inventory as the prize
  • /tb reload - reloads the plugin configuration and the game files
  • /tb edit prize <game> <prize> <field> <value> - edits the field of a prize
  • /tb edit game <game> <field> <value> - edits the field of a game

Player commands:

  • /tb join - joins the current game
  • /tb exit/leave - leaves the game
  • /tb watch - watches the current game
  • /tb help - shows the command list
  • /tb ranking groups/players <game> - shows the ranking for the game
  • /tb winners <game> [date] - shows the game winners for the date

    All commands are editable via config.
    The main command /titansbattle also has the alias /tb.