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Configuring the plugin

Edson Passos edited this page Mar 17, 2021 · 3 revisions


If you don't have a MySQL database, it's OK. Just leave the option use-mysql as false and move on.
Now, if you do have one, enable that option and write your credentials.

#SQL database settings
    #Set this as false if you want to use a flat-file instead.
    use-mysql: false
    database: "titansbattle"
        hostname: "localhost"
        port: 3306
        username: "root"
        password: "thepassword"


The plugin contains translations for English (en), Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) and Russian (ru_RU).
Just choose yours, save and restart your server.

#Language used in plugin's message
language: en


All commands are editable. Edit them as you please, save the config and reload the plugin (/tb reload).

#Change the commands
    titansbattle: "titansbattle"
    create: "create"
    join: "join"
    exit: "exit"
    start: "start"
    cancel: "cancel"
    setdestination: "setdestination"
    setinventory: "setinventory"
    setkit: "setkit"
    setprize: "setprize"
    help: "help"
    reload: "reload"
    watch: "watch"
    winners: "winners"
    ranking: "ranking"
    edit: "edit"
    prize: "prize"
    game: "game"
    members: "members"
    leaders: "leaders"
    killer: "killer"
    groups: "groups"
    players: "players"


In certain moments of the game, sounds are played. In this section you change define the sounds or disable them.
For a list of valid sounds, see:
To disable a sound, leave it empty: ""

  leave_game: "BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK"
  enemy_death: "ENTITY_WOLF_GROWL"
  ally_death: "ENTITY_WOLF_HOWL"

Date format

This is the format used in the command /tb winners.
dd = day (2 numbers) MM = month (2 numbers) yyyy = year (4 numbers)

date-format: "dd/MM/yyyy"

Allowed commands

This is a list of commands that players will be allowed to use in a game. Any command that is not in this list will be blocked!
I recommend not removing the exit command from this list!

- "/tb exit"
- "/tb winners"

Blocked commands for everyone

This is a list of commands that will be blocked for ALL players during the game. Even for players not participating in the event.
This is useful for blocking commands that could interfere with the game, such as teleport commands.

  - "/clan disband"
  - "/f disband"
  - "/clan kick"
  - "/f kick"
  - "/marry tp"

General exit

This exit is used for players that disconnected during a game. It can be set using the command /tb setdestination general_exit


You can use the scheduler to automate the game starts.
To disable this feature, set enabled to false.
The first day of the week is Sunday (1).
You can have as many schedules as you want, just copy the example below and change its number.

  enabled: true
    1: #any number, must be unique
      game: gladiator #the name of the game to start
      day: 1 #the day of week
      hour: 18 #the hour (0 - 23)
      minute: 30 #the minute (0 - 59)


Do not edit this! This is used for temporarily storing players that disconnected in a game with kit or to teleport them to the general exit.

    respawn: []
    clear_inv: []

You can find an up-to-date config here.