I created a asteroid game clone using p5.js libraries, hoping to demonstrate the mechanics of collision detection.
This is a built using the p5.js library so therefore make sure that the p5 library is installed on your IDE(Visual Studio Code, etc..) before running the project. For VSCode users make sure to install the 'live-server' extension and right click the index.html file and choose the Open with Live Server
option and the game will run on a HTML window on your browser.
- Press SPACE to start game
- WASD to move spaceship
- Press SPACE to fire bullets and hit astheriods
The successful implementation constrcutor method, where I have multiple seperated Javascripts each purpose is to generate a specific environment
- Such as the
is to generate "Bullets" that emits from the spaceship whenever the user presses SPACE button - The
will be in charge of generating random shapes of astriod in the environment - The objective is to call these 2 Javascripts on the
and apply collision detection whenever a bullet comes into contact with an asteriod
- Such as the
The Collision detection System
- The system takes the body of the 2 objects and creates a diameter around it, when the two objects overlapps itselves in diameter we can say that they have come into contact
- As such any objects that comes into object should do the following these in
:- Spaceship to earth -> Game Over
- Astheriod to earth -> Game Over
- Astheriod to spaceship -> Game Over
- SpaceShip near atmosphere -> increase in gravity
- Bullets hit Asteriods -> +1 point
//bullet collisions
var bulletSys = spaceship.bulletSys;
var bullets = bulletSys.bullets;
for (var i = 0; i < bullets.length; i++){
for (j = 0; j < asteroids.locations.length; j++){
var asteroidLoc = asteroids.locations[j];
var asteroidDiam = asteroids.diams[j];
var bulletCollide = isInside(asteroidLoc,
if (bulletCollide){
asteroids.destroy(j); // When Collided destroy asteroid
GameScore += 1; // Increases GAME SCORE