- Available to anyone
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
help [<command>]
Prints general help or help for specific <command>.
Simple test to check whether I'm present.
Prints the list of all the channels I'm in.
Gives the link to my sourcecode.
- Available to anyone
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
last [<N>] [--from <nick>] [--with <text>] [--chan <chan>|--allchans] [--skip <nb>] [--filtered|--nofilter]
Prints the last or <N> (max 5) last message(s) from current or main channel if <chan> is not given, optionally starting back <nb> results earlier and filtered by user <nick> and by <text>. --nofilter includes tweets that were not displayed because of filters, --filtered searches only through these.
lastfrom [<N>] <nick>
Alias for "last --from", prints the last or <N> (max 5) last message(s) from user <nick> (options from "last" except --from can apply).
lastwith [<N>] <text>
Alias for "last --with", prints the last or <N> (max 5) last message(s) matching <text> (options from "last" can apply).
lastmore [<N>]
Prints 1 or <N> more result(s) (max 5) from previous "last" "lastwith" "lastfrom" or "lastcount" command (options from "last" except --skip can apply; --from and --with will reset --skip to 0).
more [<N>]
Alias for "lastmore". Prints 1 or <N> more result(s) (max 5) from previous "last" "lastwith" "lastfrom" or "lastcount" command (options from "last" except --skip can apply; --from and --with will reset --skip to 0).
lastseen <nickname>
Prints the last time <nickname> was seen logging in and out.
- Available to anyone
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
count <text>
Prints the character length of <text> (spaces will be trimmed, urls will be shortened to Twitter's t.co length).
Prints the latest "count" command and its result (options from "last" except <N> can apply).
- Twitter available when TWITTER's USER, KEY, SECRET, OAUTH_TOKEN and OAUTH_SECRET are provided in gazouilleur/config.py for the chan and FORBID_POST is not given or set to True.
- Identi.ca available when IDENTICA's USER is provided in gazouilleur/config.py for the chan.
- available to anyone if TWITTER's ALLOW_ALL is set to True, otherwise only to GLOBAL_USERS and chan's USERS
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
lasttweet [<N>] [<options>]
Prints the last or <N> last tweets sent with the channel's account (options from "last" except --from can apply).
restricted to /TWITTER
identica <text> [--nolimit]
Posts <text> as a status on Identi.ca (--nolimit overrides the minimum 30 characters rule).
restricted to /IDENTICA
twitteronly <text> [--nolimit] [--force] [img:<url>]
Posts <text> as a status on Twitter (see twitter command's help for other options).
restricted to /IDENTICA
tweet <text> [--nolimit] [--force] [img:<url>]
Alias for twitter command.
restricted to /TWITTER
twitter <text> [--nolimit] [--force] [img:<url>]
Posts <text> as a status on Identi.ca and on Twitter. Include up to 4 images with img:<url> at no character cost. --nolimit overrides the minimum 30 characters rule. --force overrides the restriction to mentions users I couldn't find on Twitter or already included in the conversation for answers.
restricted to /TWITTER
answer <tweet_id> <text> [--nolimit] [--force] [img:<url>]
Posts <text> as a status on Identi.ca and as a response to <tweet_id> on Twitter. <text> should not include anymore the @author of the tweet answered (see twitter command's help for other options).
restricted to /TWITTER
answerlast <text> [--nolimit] [--force] [img:<url>]
Send <text> as a tweet in answer to the last tweet sent to Twitter from the channel (see twitter command's help for other options).
restricted to /TWITTER
rt <tweet_id>
Retweets <tweet_id> on Twitter and posts a ♻ status on Identi.ca.
restricted to /TWITTER
like <tweet_id>
Likes (ex-favorites) <tweet_id> on Twitter.
restricted to /TWITTER
rmtweet <tweet_id>
Deletes <tweet_id> from Twitter.
restricted to /TWITTER
Deletes last tweet sent to Twitter from the channel.
restricted to /TWITTER
friend <user>
Follows <user> with the chan's Twitter account (use follow to display tweets).
restricted to /TWITTER
unfriend <user>
Stops following <user> with the chan's Twitter account.
restricted to /TWITTER
dm <user> <text> [--nolimit]
Posts <text> as a direct message to <user> on Twitter. Will also add myself to <user>'s followers so he can answer further on. (--nolimit overrides the minimum 30 characters rule).
restricted to /TWITTER
finduser <query> [<N=3>]
Searches <query>through Twitter User and returns <N> results (defaults 3, max 20).
restricted to /TWITTER
show <tweet_id|@twitter_user>
Displays message and info on tweet with id <tweet_id> or on user <@twitter_user>.
showthread <tweet_id>
Displays conversation around tweet with id <tweet_id>.
Prints stats on the Twitter account set for the channel.
restricted to /TWITTER
- (Un)Follow, (Un)Filter and Monitor available only to GLOBAL_USERS and chan's USERS
- Others available to anyone
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
follow <name rssUrl|text|@user>
Asks me to follow and display elements from a RSS named <name> at <rssUrl>, or tweets matching <text> or from <@user>.
restricted to /AUTH
unfollow <name|text|@user>
Asks me to stop following and displaying elements from a RSS named <name>, or tweets matching <text> or from <@user>.
restricted to /AUTH
monitor <name> <url>
Asks me to regularily check and tell if the webpage at <url> and identified as <name> changes.
restricted to /AUTH
unmonitor <name>
Asks me to stop monitoring changes on the webpage named <name>.
restricted to /AUTH
filter <word|@user>
Filters the display of tweets or news containing <word> or sent by user <@user>, except for tweets from or quoting the chan's account.
restricted to /AUTH
unfilter <word|@user>
Removes a tweets display filter for <word> or <@user>.
restricted to /AUTH
list [--chan <channel>] <tweets|news|filters|pages>
Displays the list of filters or pages monitored or news or tweets queries followed for current channel or optional <channel>.
newsurl <name>
Displays the url of a RSS feed or a monitored page saved as <name> for current channel.
tweetswith <match>
Prints the total number of tweets seen matching <match> and the first one seen.
lasttweets [<N>] [<options>]
Prints the last or <N> last tweets displayed on the chan (options from "last" except --from can apply).
lastnews [<N>] [<options>]
Prints the last or <N> last news displayed on the chan (options from "last" except --from can apply). """digest [|week|month] [--chan ]: publishes a webpage with a digest of all unique links seen in news & tweets over the last week, month or <H> hours (defaults to 24) for current channel or optional <channel>.
restricted to /STATS
- Available only to GLOBAL_USERS and chan's USERS except for NoPing to anyone
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
ping [<text>]
Pings all ops, admins, last 18h speakers and at most 5 more random users on the chan saying <text> except for users set with noping.
restricted to /AUTH
pingall [<text>]
Pings all ops, admins and at most 50 more random users on the chan by saying <text> except for users set with noping.
restricted to /AUTH
pingteam [<text>]
Pings all ops and admins on the chan by saying <text> except for users set with noping.
restricted to /AUTH
noping <user1> [<user2> [<userN>…]] [--stop] [--list]
Deactivates pings from ping command for <users 1 to N> listed. With --stop, reactivates pings for those users. With --list just gives the list of deactivated users.
- RunLater available to anyone
- Cancel & Tasks available only to GLOBAL_USERS and chan's USERS
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
runlater <minutes> [--chan <channel>] <command [arguments]>
Schedules <command> in <minutes> for current channel or optional <channel>.
tweetlater <minutes> <text> [--nolimit] [--force] [img:<url>]
Alias for runlater twitter (options from "twitter" apply). Use runlater for rt and answer.
restricted to /TWITTER
tasks [--chan <channel>]
Prints the list of coming tasks scheduled for current channel or optional <channel>.
restricted to /AUTH
cancel [--chan <channel>] <task_id>
Cancels the scheduled task <task_id> for current channel or optional <channel>.
restricted to /AUTH
- Pad & Title available to anyone
- FuckOff/ComeBack & SetPad available only to GLOBAL_USERS and chan's USERS
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
fuckoff [<N>]
Tells me to shut up for the next <N> minutes (defaults to 5).
restricted to /AUTH
Tells me to start talking again after use of "fuckoff".
restricted to /AUTH
title <url>
Prints the title of the webpage at <url>.
dice [<N>]
Let me toss heads or tails, or give a random number between 1 and <N> if given.
- AddAuth available only to GLOBAL_USERS and chan's USERS
- Restart available only to GLOBAL_USERS
- Exclude regexp :
- List :
addauth <user>
Gives auth rights to <user> until next reboot.
restricted to /AUTH
Tries to reboot me.
restricted to /ADMIN