Monitor disk reads and writes.
iostat (sysstat package), fontawesome for the hard disk icon (fonts-font-awesome package)
#command=$SCRIPT_DIR/disk-io -w 3 -M -P 0
#MB_ONLY=0 #0 or 1
#KB_ONLY=0 #0 or 1
The default output is "read / write (k|M)B/s".
If -R
is not used, the $BLOCK_INSTANCE
variable, if specified, will be the chosen regex to match against devices.
This allows watching specific devices by e.g. setting instance=/^sda/
or instance=/^sd[ab]/
Usage: disk-io [-t time] [-w width] [-p kB_precision] [-P MB_precision] [-R regex] [-s separator] [-S] [-T threshold [-C warn_color]] [-k|-M] [-l] [-h]
-L Label to put in front of the text. Default:
-t Time interval in seconds between measurements. Default: 5
-w The width of printed floats. Default: 4
-p The precision of kB/s floats. Default: 0
-P The precision of MB/s floats. Default: 1
-R Regex that devices must match. Default: /^(s|h)d[a-zA-Z]+/
-s Separator to put between rates. Default: /
-S Short units, omit B/s in kB/s and MB/s.
-T Rate in kB/s to exceed to trigger a warning. Default: not enabled
-C Color to change the blocklet to warn the user. Default: #FF0000
-l List devices that iostat reports
-M Do not switch between MB/s and kB/s, use only MB/s
-k Do not switch between MB/s and kB/s, use only kB/s
-h Show this help text