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License: MIT

AWS Resource Downloader


AWS Resource Downloader is a command-line tool built with TypeScript and ZX for downloading AWS resource information in JSON format.


  • Download AWS resource information for specified resource types.
  • Supports parallel processing for faster execution.
  • Interactive prompts for selecting AWS profile, region, and download directory.


Before using AWS Resource Downloader, ensure that you have the following installed:

  • Node.js (20.5.1 or higher)
  • PNPM package manager (v8.14.1)
  • AWS CLI installed and configured with the necessary permissions
  • jq installed for processing JSON data (jq Installation)

Tools Used

Tool Version Purpose
Node.js 20.5.1 JavaScript runtime
PNPM 8.14.1 Package manager
ZX 7.2.3 Script execution and build tool
TypeScript ^5.3.3 Superset of JavaScript
ts-node 10.9.2 Runtime for executing TypeScript code
@types/node ^20.11.2 Type definitions for Node.js
Prettier 3.2.2 Code formatter
ESLint (internal) JavaScript and TypeScript static analyzer


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Change into the project directory:

    cd aws-resource-downloader
  3. Install dependencies:

    pnpm install


  1. Run the application:

    pnpm start
  2. Follow the prompts to select AWS profile, region, and specify the download directory.

  3. The application will fetch AWS resource information based on predefined resource types, and the results will be saved in JSON files.


  • Modify the maxParallel variable in main.ts to control the number of resource types processed in parallel.
  • Update the predefined resource types in the resources variable in main.ts if needed.


  • pnpm test: Execute tests (currently not implemented).
  • pnpm run build: Build the TypeScript code.
  • pnpm start:prod: Start the compiled application in production mode.
  • pnpm run build:watch: Build TypeScript code in watch mode.
  • pnpm start: Start the application in development mode.
  • pnpm run lint: Run ESLint with automatic fixing.
  • pnpm run lint:ci: Run ESLint for continuous integration.
  • pnpm run format: Format code using Prettier.
  • pnpm run format:ci: Check code formatting using Prettier.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.