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Multiple Schema Concept

Antoaneta edited this page Aug 9, 2021 · 2 revisions

Multiple Schema Concept

When migrating project to XSK

When working with schemas there are 2 options:

  1. Import all artifacts into one schema
  2. Import all artifacts into multiple schema. In order for artifacts to be visible inside all schemas a public synonyms will be created. (one synonym for each table and view)

Currently the XSK support the second option.

For example: If we import .hdbtable artifact that cntains schemaName, the artifatc will be createad inside that schema and a public synonym will be created with the same name as the artifact.

table.schemaName = "MYSCHEMA";
table.tableType = COLUMNSTORE; 
table.columns = [
	{name = "ID"; sqlType = INTEGER; nullable = false;}];
table.primaryKey.pkcolumns = ["ID"];

This concept is supported for:

Operation Artifact First Option Supported Second option Supported Comment
Create/Delete/Update Table ✔️
Create/Delete/Update View ✔️ there is no update operation, the view is dropped and then recreated
Create/Delete/Update Procedure
Create/Delete/Update Functions



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