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Dimitar Velev edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 7 revisions

$.db API

Namespace for HANA database access


  • SAP Help$.db.html

  • Module

  • Sample usage:
var db = $.db;

var response = $.response;


var tableName =  "USERS";


try  {

	var connection = db.getConnection();

	// Make sure to create the table only once
	connection.prepareStatement("CREATE TABLE "  + tableName +  " (NAME varchar(255), AGE int)").execute();


	var insertStatement = connection.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO "  + tableName +
		" (NAME, AGE) VALUES ('Bob', 20), ('Alice', 21);");

	var selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM "  + tableName);

	var resultSet = selectStatement.getResultSet();

	var names =  [];

	while  (  {




}  catch(e)  {


	response.setBody("Transaction was rolled back: "  + e.message);

}  finally  {


  • Unit Tests ✅
  • Integration Tests ❌



Method Description Status
getConnection() Returns a connection to the database


Method Description Status
close() Closes the connection.
commit() Commits the changes.
isClosed() Checks if the connection is closed.
prepareCall(statement) Prepares a stored procedure for execution
prepareStatement(statement) Prepares a statement for execution
rollback() Rolls back the changes.
setAutoCommit(enable) Changes the auto-commit flag of the connection


Method Description Status
close() Closes the statement
execute() Executes a specified statement
getBigInt(index) Returns an Int64 value of a BIGINT parameter ⚠️
getBlob(index) Returns the ArrayBuffer value of a BLOB specified parameter ⚠️
getBString(index) Returns an ArrayBuffer object of the specified column. getBString is used for BINARY and VARBINARY column types. ⚠️
getClob(index) Returns the string value of a CLOB parameter ⚠️
getDate(index) Used to retrieve the value of a DATE parameter ⚠️
getDecimal(index) Returns a number value of a DECIMAL parameter ⚠️
getDouble(index) Returns a number value of a DOUBLE, FLOAT or REAL parameter ⚠️
getFloat(columnIndex) Returns a number value of the specified column. getFloat is used for FLOAT column types. ⚠️
getInteger(index) Returns an integer value of a TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT or BIGINT parameter types ⚠️
getMoreResults() Checks if more result sets are available and prepares the next result set for retrieval ⚠️
getNClob(index) Returns the string value of an NCLOB or TEXT parameter ⚠️
getNString(index) Returns the string value of an NCHAR, an NVARCHAR, or a SHORTTEXT parameter ⚠️
getParameterMetaData() Returns the metadata for this statement ⚠️
getReal(columnIndex) Returns a number value of the specified column. getReal is used for REAL column types. ⚠️
getResultSet() Returns a result set representing a table output parameter ⚠️
getSeconddate(index) Used to retrieve the value of a SECONDDATE parameter
getSQLWarning() Returns the warning of the most recently executed statement.
getString(index) Returns a string value of a CHAR or VARCHAR parameter; ASCII only, not suitable for strings containing Unicode characters. ⚠️
getText(index) Returns the string value of a TEXT parameter ⚠️
getTime(index) Used to retrieve the value of a TIME parameter ⚠️
getTimestamp(index) Used to retrieve the value of a TIMESTAMP parameter. ⚠️
isClosed() Checks if the statement is closed. ⚠️
setBigInt(index, value) Sets an integer parameter used for BIGINT parameter types
setBlob(index, value) setBlob is used to specify the values for CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR, NVARCHAR, BINARY, VARBINARY parameter types.
setBString(index, value) Sets a string parameter used for BINARY, VARBINARY parameter types.
setClob(index, value) setClob is used to specify the values for CLOB parameter types.
setDate(index, value, format) Sets a Date parameter for DATE parameters, but works with TIME and TIMESTAMP.
setDecimal(index, value) setDecimal sets a decimal parameter used for DECIMAL parameter types
setDouble(index, value) setDouble sets a double parameter used for FLOAT and DOUBLE parameter types
setFloat(index, value) setFloat sets a float parameter used for FLOAT parameter types
setInteger(index, value) Sets an integer parameter used for TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT parameter types
setNClob(index, value) setNClob is used to specify the values for NCLOB parameter types. ⚠️
setNString(columnIndex, value) Sets a string parameter used for NCHAR, NVARCHAR parameter types, which should be used for strings containing Unicode characters. ⚠️
setNull(index) Sets a null parameter used for all parameter types
setReal(index, value) setReal sets a real parameter used for REAL parameter types
setSmallInt(index, value) Sets an integer parameter used for SMALLINT parameter types
setString(columnIndex, value) Sets a string parameter used for CHAR, VARCHAR column types; ASCII only, not suitable for strings containing Unicode characters
setText(columnIndex, value) setText is used to specify the values for TEXT column types.
setTime(index, value, format) Sets a Time parameter used for TIME parameter types (hour, min, sec) - milliseconds(mls) cannot be set
setTimestamp(index, value, format) Sets a Timestamp parameter used for TIMESTAMP parameter types
setTinyInt(index, value) Sets an integer parameter used for TINYINT parameter types


Method Description Status
getParameterCount() Returns the number of the parameters in the prepared statement
getParameterMode(index) Returns the mode of the specified parameter
getParameterName(columnIndex) Returns the name of the specified parameter
getParameterType(columnIndex) Returns the type ($.db.types) of the specified parameter
getParameterTypeName(columnIndex) Returns the type name of the specified parameter
getPrecision(columnIndex) Returns the designated parameter's number of decimal digits
getScale(columnIndex) Returns the designated parameter's scale
hasDefault(index) Checks if the specified parameter has a default value
isNullable(index) Checks if the specified parameter is nullable
isSigned(index) Checks if the specified parameter is signed


Method Description Status
addBatch() Adds last parameter values and iterates to the next batch slot
close() Closes the statement
execute() Executes a common statement
executeBatch() Executes a batch insertion. Use setBatchSize and addBatch to prepare for batch execution.
executeQuery() Executes an SQL statement
executeUpdate() Executes an update statement
getMetaData() Returns the metadata of the ResultSet
getMoreResults() Checks if more result sets are available and prepares the next result set for retrieval
getParameterMetaData() Returns the metadata of the prepared statement
getResultSet() Returns a result set representing a table output parameter
getSQLWarning() Returns the warning of the most recently executed statement. ⚠️
isClosed() Checks if the statement is closed.
setBatchSize(size) Reserves space for batch insertion
setBigInt(columnIndex, value) Sets an integer parameter used for BIGINT column types
setBlob(columnIndex, value) setBlob is used to specify the values for CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR, NVARCHAR, BINARY, and VARBINARY column types.
setBString(columnIndex, value) Sets an array buffer parameter used for BINARY, VARBINARY column types. ⚠️
setClob(columnIndex, value) setClob is used to specify the values for CLOB column types.
setDate(columnIndex, value, format) Sets a Date parameter for DATE columns, but works with TIME and TIMESTAMP. It is not possible to set the time with setDate; you can only set the date.
setDecimal(index, value) setDecimal sets a decimal parameter used for DECIMAL column types. ⚠️
setDouble(columnIndex, value) setDouble sets a double parameter used for FLOAT and DOUBLE column types.
setFloat(columnIndex, value) setFloat sets a float parameter used for FLOAT column types.
setInteger(columnIndex, value) Sets an integer parameter used for TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT column types
setNClob(columnIndex, value) setNClob is used to specify the values for NCLOB column types. ⚠️
setNString(columnIndex, value) Sets a string parameter used for NCHAR, NVARCHAR parameter types, which should be used for strings containing Unicode characters. ⚠️
setNull(columnIndex) setNull is used to set a Null parameter used for all column types. ⚠️
setReal(columnIndex, value) setReal sets a real parameter used for REAL column types.
setSmallInt(columnIndex, value) Sets an integer parameter used for SMALLINT column types
setString(columnIndex, value) Sets a string parameter used for CHAR, VARCHAR column types; ASCII only, not suitable for strings containing Unicode characters
setText(columnIndex, value) setText is used to specify the values for TEXT column types.
setTime(columnIndex, value, format) Sets a Time parameter used for TIME column types (hour, min, sec). You cannot set milliseconds (mls).
setTimestamp(columnIndex, value, format) Sets a Timestamp parameter used for TIMESTAMP column types
setTinyInt(columnIndex, value) Sets an integer parameter used for TINYINT column types


Method Description Status
close() Closes the ResultSet
getBigInt(columnIndex) Returns a ctypes.Int64 value of the specified column. getBigInt is used for BIGINT column types.
getBlob(columnIndex) Returns an ArrayBuffer value of the specified column. getBlob is used for BLOB column types.
getBString(columnIndex) Returns an ArrayBuffer object of the specified column. getBString is used for BINARY and VARBINARY column types.
getClob(columnIndex) Returns a string value of the specified column. getClob is used for CLOB column types.
getDate(columnIndex) Used to retrieve the value of a DATE column in a ResultSet.
getDecimal(columnIndex) Returns a number value of the specified column. getDecimal is used for DECIMAL column types.
getDouble(columnIndex) Returns a number value of the specified column. getDouble is used for DOUBLE column types.
getFloat(columnIndex) Returns a number value of the specified column. getFloat is used for FLOAT column types.
getInteger(columnIndex) Returns an integer value of the specified column, for TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, and BIGINT column types.
getMetaData() Returns the metadata of the result set
getNClob(columnIndex) Returns a string value of the specified column. getNClob is used for NCLOB and TEXT column types. ⚠️
getNString(columnIndex) Returns a string value of the specified column. getNString is used for NCHAR, NVARCHAR, SHORTTEXT column types. ⚠️
getReal(columnIndex) Returns a number value of the specified column. getReal is used for REAL column types.
getSeconddate(columnIndex) Used to retrieve the value of a SECONDDATE column in a ResultSet.
getString(columnIndex) Returns a string value of the specified column. getString is used for CHAR and VARCHAR column types. ASCII only, not suitable for strings containing Unicode characters.
getText(columnIndex) Returns a string value of the specified column. getText is used for TEXT column types.
getTime(columnIndex) Used to retrieve the value of a TIME column in a ResultSet.
getTimestamp(columnIndex) Used to retrieve the value of a TIMESTAMP column in a ResultSet.
isClosed() Checks if the ResultSet is closed.
next() Fetches the next row


Method Description Status
getCatalogName(columnIndex) Returns the catalog name for the specified column
getColumnCount() Returns the number of the columns in the result set
getColumnDisplaySize(columnIndex) Returns the column display size of the specified column
getColumnLabel(columnIndex) Returns the alias or name of the specified column
getColumnName(columnIndex) Returns the name of the specified column
getColumnType(columnIndex) Returns the type of the specified column
getColumnTypeName(columnIndex) Returns the name of the specified column type
getPrecision(columnIndex) Returns the precision of the specified column
getScale(columnIndex) Returns the scale of the specified column
getTableName(columnIndex) Returns the table name for the specified column

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✅ - Feature implemented and working as supposed.
⚠️ - Feature partially implemented and needs to be finished.
❌ - Feature not implemented yet.



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