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Parser hdbview

Antoaneta edited this page Sep 24, 2021 · 6 revisions

Parser for hdbview

The information on how to develop the design-time data-persistence model for an XSK application using the HDBView syntax


  • SAP Help

  • Sample Hana version1 syntax
query="SELECT T1.\"Column2\" FROM \"MYSCHEMA\".\"\" AS T1 LEFT JOIN \"MYSCHEMA\".\"\" AS T2 ON T1.\"Column1\" = T2.\"Column1\"";
depends_on=["", ""];
  • Parser Hana version1 behavior (issue)
  1. Currently the Parser take into account if a given property is mandatory.
  2. If the property order is misplaced the parser will still parse the values.
  3. If more than one value of one property is provided then only the last one is taken.
  • Sample HANA version2 syntax
VIEW "hdb_view.db::ItemsByOrderHANAv2"
AS SELECT "Id" FROM "hdb_view::Item";
  • Which syntax is supported from the parser
hdbview syntax (Hana v1) hdbview syntax (XSKViewParser) Comments
schema schema
query query
public public default=true
depends_on depends_on
depends_on_table depends_on_table
depends_on_view depends_on_view

depends_on, depends_on_table and depends_on_view are defining the order of import of the artifacts. For example if there is a project that contains a lots of artifacts as hdbtable and hdbview which depends on each other, in order the Processor to create the artifacts on their dependency the depends* sections in each file must be dinened.

  • Sample

  • Modules

  • Tests



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