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Project Setup

  1. Install NodeJS. Check .nvmrc for the version used by this project.
  2. Run npm install in the project root to install the necessary dependencies.
  3. If using VSCode (you probably should be), install the recommended extensions.


  1. Run npm run dev to start the development server.
  2. Browse to http://localhost:3000 to view the development site. It will hot-reload on changes.

Adding a new page

This project is primarily intended as an internal wiki, so complex pages and rigid styling are not required. Wiki pages should be created inside ./wiki and should be .md or .mdx files. Use the existing pages for reference.


We are using Docusaurus. To learn more about creating "docs" (wiki) pages, review their documentation. If you are new to markdown, view the Markdown Guide and/or Docusaurus's list of special markdown features.


When adding images to a wiki page, place them in an images subdirectory where you are adding your wiki page. This helps keeps things scoped and makes it easier to relocate groups of pages.


Please ensure you do the following before pushing to main:

  1. Run npm run lint:fix to ensure the codebase is linted and formatted. Fix any errors that are returned.
  2. Test the site by running npm run dev.
  3. Build the site locally with npm run build

Note that we are limited on the number of deploys we can make per month, so push work in batches, rather than one commit at a time.