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Definition of Done

Andrew Waltos [SSW] edited this page May 21, 2024 · 6 revisions
  • Code compiles
  • Check GitHub tasks on PBI (if any)
  • Code passes all workflows
  • Pull Request flow is completed
    • PR description has screenshots/video demonstrating change(s) (mobile and desktop view)
    • URLs to affected pages are listed (to make it easier to review)
    • Code has been checked by a 2nd developer
    • Code is deployed to preview environment
    • Preview environment is checked by another person (in both desktop and mobile layouts)
    • ⚠️ UX changes are test passed by a designer
    • ⚠️ SEO/Content changes are test passed by a marketing person
    • Code is squash-merged into main
  • Pushed to production
  • If new components added, the Available Tina Components wiki page has been updated
  • Use @mentions (OR Send email) to notify Product Owner/PBI stakeholder that PBI is done (be sure to include screenshots/done video as proof)

<As per rule: Done - Do you go beyond 'Done' and follow a 'Definition of Done'>