A project to write a small project everyweek. All projects are written in Golang.
I saw a Github kkdai/project52 and felt inspired. So, I hope I could learn something by doing the same challenge myself.
Here are the constraints of Project52.
- The project could be small or big, but it should be something new not just refactoring an old project.
- The Programming language is not limited, feel free to write any language you have just learnt. (actually I am interested in writing some Go packages, just because I want to learn it.)
- Don't need to create brand new project, you could rewrite some exist project. (but on your own way, not allow to fork and refine.)
- (08/02/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/go-watch-solidity A solidity file watcher to compile and generate abi, bin and gobinging
- (16/02/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/go-udemy-dl Go Udemy Downloader is another udemy downloader written in go for personal offline use.
- WIP : (24/02/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/go-deploy-contract Go Deploy Smart Contract is a smart contract deployer to any given test or main network.
- (02/03/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/go-worker go-worker is a work queue to run tasks in go routines
- (29/03/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/uds unix domain socket implementation in go
- (11/04/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/udspubsub pubsub implementation using unix domain socket in golang
- (12/04/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/udsws websocket implementation using unix domain socket in golang
- (18/04/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/libp2p-kad-dht-trail Hello world local libp2p network with kad-dht rendezvous discovery
- (26/04/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/go48 Yet another 2048 using go
- WIP : (17/05/2020) https://github.com/Sab94/ipfs-monitor monitor your ipfs node on terminal
Please file an issue
if you want to suggest a small project idea. (hopefully it could be done within one week. :p ).
You can also encourage me by starring
this project.