Completed: Last updated on December 14,2018
This portfolio site is the capstone project for the Coursera Specialization Web Desing for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding).
I chose to design and implement a single-page web development portfolio site using Bootstrap 4.
Create at least two different wireframes for the site, one for mobile view and one for a larger screen.
Generate original content.
Use the proper semantic and syntactic HTML tags to display the content.
Apply CSS to the content to create a well-styled and accessible site.
Write media queries and/or use a framework to create a responsive site.
Implement four advanced features that demonstrate the ability to apply web design theory or practice (JavaScript, plugins, accessibility features, animation, etc.).
Deploy the site (optional).
The site has at least three pages or sections and links to each page or section.
Each page or section has at least two semantic html tags.
Each page validates at (Warnings are acceptable.)
Each page is responsive, has at least two different views, one for mobile and one for a larger screen, and a unique layout for each view.
One of the pages has at least four images.
Each page has a layout that is easy to follow and uses a variety of colors and fonts. The site has a unique style sheet with at least nine unique CSS rules, even if a template or framework is used.
The site has four features that go beyond what was covered in the four previous courses of the Specialization.
The capstone course gives students three options:
- Build your site from scratch,
- Build your site from a template, or
- Build your site using a framework.
I chose to build my site using Bootstrap 4 as a framework.
Add a Carousel with four images.
Add a fixed navbar to the top of the page.
Add icons to social media links.
Enhance the accessibility of the site using WebAIM's WAVE web accessibility evaluation tool.
The project has to be submitted for peer grading in the form of a screen capture video and/or a written description. Deploying the site is not required and therefore posting a link to the deployed website is optional.
The submission should include clear evidence that the site is:
- w3 validator compliant (either through screen shots or demo),
- responsive (either through screen shots or demo), and
- well-styled (e.g. by showing the CSS files).
The submission should also define and/or demonstrate the four advanced features of the site.