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πŸ‘† An AngularJS wrapper for Flickity (Touch, responsive, flickable carousels)


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Angular Flickity


MIT License Coverage Status NPM version CircleCI

An AngularJS module that exposes a directive and service to create and control multiple Flickity instances.

πŸ“Ί Demos and Examples

Flickity by Metafizzy

Comments and pull requests welcome!





npm install flickity --save
npm install flickity-imagesloaded --save # if using the imagesloaded option
npm install flickity-bg-lazyload --save # if using the bg-lazyload option
npm install angular-flickity --save


bower install flickity --save
bower install flickity-imagesloaded --save # if using the imagesloaded option
bower install flickity-bg-lazyload --save # if using the bg-lazyload option
bower install angular-flickity --save

Include the scripts

Include Flickity (and flickity-imagesloaded/flickity-bg-lazyload if needed):


import Flickity from 'flickity';
import 'flickity-imagesloaded';
import 'flickity-bg-lazyload';
import 'angular-flickity';

angular.module('myProject', ['bc.Flickity']);


<!-- Include the module -->
<script src="path/to/lib/flickity.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/lib/flickity-imagesloaded.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/lib/flickity-bg-lazyload.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/angular-flickity/dist/angular-flickity.js"></script>
Note when using Flickity via bower

In my experience, including Flickity through bower often doesn't work out of the box. By default, bower pulls in the unpackaged files as the Flickity bower.json specifies rather than packaged files which seems to be what we need.

The trick is to specify which files bower should use in your own bower.json.

// inside your bower.json specify which Flickity files to use
  "name": "myProject",
  "overrides": {
    "flickity": {
      "main": [


Include bc.Flickity as a dependency in your project.

angular.module('YourModule', ['bc.Flickity']);

Use the directive on the parent element containing your slides.

<!-- Define the gallery: -->
  bc-flickity="{{ vm.flickityOptions }}"
  <figure class="demo__slide" data-ng-repeat="slide in vm.slides">
      <img data-ng-src="{{ slide }}" alt="" />

<!-- Define the previous button (optional): -->

<!-- Define the next button (optional): -->


This module supports all options for Flickity version 2.0.5. A full list of options can be found here: Flickity Options.

Simply pass in an object containing any options you'd like to set.

// ES5 example
  .controller('MyController', ($scope) => {

    $scope.myCustomOptions = {
      cellSelector: '.mySlideClassName',
      initialIndex: 3,
      prevNextButtons: false,


// ES6 example
export class MyController {
  constructor() {

    this.flickityOptions = {
      cellSelector: '.mySlideClassName',
      initialIndex: 3,
      prevNextButtons: false,



<!-- In your template -->
<div bc-flickity="{{ myCustomOptions }}">
  <div class="mySlideClassName"></div>
  <div class="mySlideClassName"></div>


The FlickityService uses IDs to manage multiple instances of the directive. An ID is automatically created and assigned at initialization. However, at times you may need to access your instances in a programmatic way. There are two ways for IDs to be defined by your module.

Element ID

If the element containing the bc-flickity directive has an ID attribute, the value will be used to create the ID.

<!-- This instance would have the ID of `foo` -->
  bc-flickity="{{ myCustomOptions }}"
  <!-- slides -->

Explicitly Define

At times, you may not be able to use an element ID (or simply prefer not to). In those cases you can pass the ID in directly as a string using bc-flickity-id.

<!--  This instance would have the ID of `bar` -->
  bc-flickity="{{ myCustomOptions }}"
  <!-- slides -->

Global Defaults

This module exposes FlickityConfigProvider which can be used to set project-wide defaults for Flickity. Simply set any options here using options that match the original Flickity options.

// ES6 Config Example
export function config(FlickityConfigProvider) {

    FlickityConfigProvider.prevNextButtons = true;
    FlickityConfigProvider.setGallerySize = false;

// ES5 Config Example
    .config((FlickityConfigProvider) => {

        FlickityConfigProvider.prevNextButtons = true;
        FlickityConfigProvider.setGallerySize = false;




The directive bc-flickity creates the Flickity gallery.

<div bc-flickity>
  <!-- slides -->

You may optionally pass an options object to the directive. User defined options will override any default options.

<div bc-flickity="{{ vm.flickityOptions }}">
  <!-- slides -->

Learn more about angular-flickity options & Flickity options documentation


The directive bc-flickity-next is provided to call the next() method on a Flickity instance.

<button bc-flickity-next>Next</button>

Multiple Instances

If you need to support multiple Flickity instances in a single view you can specify an instance ID that the control should be linked to.


More on setting the ID using a directive or service.

If no ID is set, the directive will assume that only one instance exists and grab the ID from the first instance.


This directive accepts an optional parameter to control the looping. If true and at the last cell when clicked, Flickity will loop back to the first cell. If false, it will do nothing when clicked at the last cell.

<button bc-flickity-next="true">Next</button>


When the last cell is reached, the disabled attribute will be added to the element. The disabled attribute will not be added if either of these conditions are met:

  • The associated gallery has wrapAround set to true.
  • The directive has true passed in as the optional parameter (which overrides the default options).


The directive bc-flickity-previous is provided to call the previous() method on the Flickity instance.

<button bc-flickity-previous>Previous</button>

Multiple Instances

If you need to support multiple Flickity instances in a single view you can specify an instance ID that the control should be linked to.


More on setting the ID using a directive or service.

If no ID is set, the directive will assume that only one instance exists and grab the ID from the first instance.


This directive accepts an optional parameter to control the looping. If true and at the first cell when clicked, Flickity will loop around to the last cell. If false, it will do nothing when clicked at the first cell.

<button bc-flickity-previous="true">Previous</button>


When at the first cell, the disabled attribute will be added to the element. The disabled attribute will not be added if either of these conditions are met:

  • The associated gallery has wrapAround set to true.
  • The directive has true passed in as the optional parameter (which overrides the default options).


While you can easily use Flickity via the directive only, most Flickity methods are accessible via the FlickityService.

The services here follow the order of the Flickity Documentation as closely as possible in order to be immediately familiar. This shouldn't feel like learning another library (assuming you are already familiar with Flickity).

πŸ“Ί Service demo

Don't be afraid to look at the source code. It isn't terribly complicated and fairly well commented.



This can be called to manually create a new Flickity instance.

πŸ“Ί Create instance demo

FlickityService.create(element, id, options)
  • element: {Element}
    • A DOM element wrapped as a jQuery object. This can be done with jqLite (angular.element(element)) or jQuery ($(element))
  • id: {String} optional
    • ID for the created Flickity instance. If no ID is assigned, one will be created and used internally.
  • options: {Object} optional
    • Options object for Flickity
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}
// Example return
    id: 'foo',
    instance: Flickity

NOTE: Anytime you are dealing with the DOM from inside a controller (:-1:) make sure to use document.ready. This ensures that the element you are looking for actually exists. You can also use a $timeout but I find using document.ready more accurately represents the intention.

πŸ“Ί Demo showing DOM issue and solution

// document.ready example
angular.element($document[0]).ready(() => {
    // Get the element that should hold the slider
    const element = angular.element(document.getElementById('demo-slider'));

    // Initialize our Flickity instance
    FlickityService.create(element[0], element[0].id);

NOTE: If you are dealing with remote data, you should wrap the .create() call with a $timeout. This ensures that the data has already been assigned to scope before the slider is initialized.

πŸ“Ί Demo with remote data

// Remote data example
  .then((results) => {

    // Expose the slides array to $scope
    $scope.slides =;

    // Get the element that should hold the slider
    const element = angular.element(document.getElementById('demo-slider'));

    // NOTE: When fetching remote data, we initialize the Flickity
    // instance inside of a $timeout. This ensures that the slides
    // have already been assigned to scope before the slider is
    // initialized.
    $timeout(() => {
      // Initialize our Flickity instance
      FlickityService.create(element[0], element[0].id);

Selecting Cells


Move directly to a specific slide.

πŸ“Ί Selecting a cell demo, index, isWrapped, isInstant)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance to move.
  • index: {Number}
  • isWrapped: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true and previous is called when on the first slide, the slider will wrap around to show the last slide.
    • If true and next is called when on the last slide, the slider will wrap back to show slide 1.
  • isInstant: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true the slide will change instantly with no animation.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Move to the previous slide.

FlickityService.previous(id, isWrapped, isInstant)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance to move.
  • isWrapped: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true and previous is called when on the first slide, the slider will wrap around to show the last slide.
    • If false and previous is called when on the first slide, the slider will do nothing.
  • isInstant: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true the slide will change instantly with no animation.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Move to the next slide., isWrapped, isInstant)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance to move.
  • isWrapped: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true and next is called when on the last slide, the slider will wrap back to show slide 1.
    • If false and next is called when on the last slide, the slider will do nothing.
  • isInstant: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true the slide will change instantly with no animation.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Select a slide of a cell.

FlickityService.cellSelect(id, value, isWrapped, isInstant)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance to move.
  • value: {Integer|String}
    • Zero-based index OR selector string of the cell to select.
  • isWrapped: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true and previous is called when on the first slide, the slider will wrap around to show the last slide.
    • If true and next is called when on the last slide, the slider will wrap back to show slide 1.
  • isInstant: {Bool} optional
    • Default: false
    • If true the slide will change instantly with no animation.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}

Sizing and Positioning


Triggers Flickity to resize the gallery and re-position cells.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Tell Flickity to reposition cells while retaining the current index. Useful if cell sizes change after initialization.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}

Adding and Removing Cells

Note: If you are trying to add cell(s) by appending to a 'slides' array and then reinitializing the slider, take a look at this πŸ“Ί demo


Create cells at the beginning of the gallery and prepend elements.

FlickityService.prepend(id, elements)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
  • elements: {Object|Array|Element|NodeList}
    • jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Create cells at the end of the gallery and append elements.

FlickityService.append(id, elements)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
  • elements: {Object|Array|Element|NodeList}
    • jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Insert elements into the gallery and create cells at the desired index.

FlickityService.insert(id, elements, index)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
  • elements: {Object|Array|Element|NodeList}
    • jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList
  • index: {Integer}
    • Zero based integer where the new slides should be inserted.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Remove cells from the gallery and remove the elements from DOM.

FlickityService.remove(id, elements)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
  • elements: {Object|Array|Element|NodeList}
    • jQuery object, Array of Elements, Element, or NodeList
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}



Destroys a Flickity instance.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance to be destroyed.
Returns Promise
  • isDestroyed: {Bool}

This is very useful when your Flickity instance is created inside a controller attached to a route. Each time the route is hit, the route's controller calls to create a new Flickity instance. But if that instance already exists, it will cause an error. The correct way to handle this is to destroy the Flickity instance when the controller is being destroyed.

$scope.$on('$destroy', () => {


Re-collect all cell elements in flickity-slider.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}

Note: If you are trying to add cell(s) by appending to a 'slides' array and then reinitializing the slider, take a look at this πŸ“Ί demo


Get the elements of the cells.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • cellElements: {Array}


Return a Flickity instance found by ID.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Return the first Flickity instance.

Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}


Find a Flickity instance by element or selector string.

FlickityService.getByElement(id, element)
  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
  • element: {Element}
    • Element or selector string representing the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • instance: {Object}



Get the index of the slide currently in view.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance for which you need the index.
Returns Promise
  • selectedIndex: {Number}
    • The index of the currently visible slide.


Get the currently selected cell element.

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • selectedElement: {Element}


Get all cells.

πŸ“Ί Get all cells demo

  • id: {String}
    • A string representing the ID of the Flickity instance.
Returns Promise
  • cells: {Array}


All events trigger an associated $emit on $rootScope.

πŸ“Ί Events demo

Learn more in the Angular docs on $emit.

Each $emit event is named in this format: Flickity:[instanceId]:[eventName]

So, for example, if you had declared a custom ID of myCustomId on bc-flickity and wanted to know when the settle event occurs, you could listen for it like this:

// Assume the gallery has been initialized with the custom ID of `myCustomId`
const settle = $rootScope.$on('Flickity:myCustomId:settle', (event, data) => {
    console.log('Flickity just settled!', event, data);

Events and Parameters

For more information on individual events, check out the Flickity Documentation on Events.

// Legend
β€’ eventName
  β€’ parameter
  • select
  • scroll
    • progress
    • positionX
  • settle
  • dragStart
    • event
    • pointer
  • dragMove
    • event
    • pointer
    • moveVector
  • dragEnd
    • event
    • pointer
  • pointerDown
    • event
    • pointer
  • pointerMove
    • event
    • pointer
    • moveVector
  • pointerUp
    • event
    • pointer
  • staticClick
    • event
    • pointer
    • cellElement
    • cellIndex
  • lazyLoad
    • event
    • cellElement

Event Naming Convention

eventName => Flickity:instanceId:eventName

Event name $emit name
select Flickity:instanceId:select
scroll Flickity:instanceId:scroll
settle Flickity:instanceId:settle
dragStart Flickity:instanceId:dragStart
dragMove Flickity:instanceId:dragMove
dragEnd Flickity:instanceId:dragEnd
pointerDown Flickity:instanceId:pointerDown
pointerMove Flickity:instanceId:pointerMove
pointerUp Flickity:instanceId:pointerUp
staticClick Flickity:instanceId:staticClick
lazyLoad Flickity:instanceId:lazyLoad

Learn more about Flickity events.

Don't forget:

The $on call should always be assigned to a variable. This allows it to be destroyed during the $scope cleanup.

Learn more about $destroy.



  • npm run build
    • Produces uncompressed (.js) and minified (.min.js) versions of the library under the dist folder.
  • npm run watch
    • Watches for changes inside /src and calls npm run build when changes are detected.
  • npm run test
    • Runs all tests.
  • npm run watch:tests
    • Watch for changes and re-run tests.

About Flickity

Touch, responsive, flickable galleries.

Made by Metafizzy who make seriously awesome, stuff.


πŸ‘† An AngularJS wrapper for Flickity (Touch, responsive, flickable carousels)



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