The Teleport plugins release process is controlled by Drone, and is described in detail by RFD003.
Plugin maintainers can push to both the staging and public Amazon Elastic Container Registries by assuming the release-engineer-plugin-admin
role in AWS. To assume this administrative role the engineer must first login to AWS using Plugin-Release-Engineers
permission set. This permission set can be found under the teleport-prod
AWS Account. To request access to this account please contact the IT team.
Assume the release-engineer-plugin-admin
on the CLI with:
$ aws sts assume-role --role-arn arn:aws:iam::146628656107:role/release-engineer-plugin-admin --role-session-name AWSCLI-Session
and export the credentials to your environment.
Once authenticated, the plugin maintainer can authenticate to the staging and public ECR's using the following commands, respectively.
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login -u="AWS" --password-stdin
$ aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login -u="AWS" --password-stdin
Whenever possible, the plugin maintainers should prefer to push to these registries by tagging a new version and promoting it in drone. However, in case of emergency the above method may be used to push an image.
Teleport engineers can gain read-only access to the internal plugin images by authenticating to AWS using the Teleport-Team-Prod-ReadOnly
permission set found under the teleport-prod
AWS Account.
Afterwards, authenticate to the registry with:
$ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | docker login -u="AWS" --password-stdin
and pull an image with:
$ docker pull
You can manually invoke the terraform registry promotion to fix a failed provider release. In order to do this you will need:
- this repository
- access to the
-encrypted Drone secrets file for the teleport-plugins build - access to the key to decrypt the secrets file
- the git tag of the provider to publish (e.g.
See tooling/with-secrets/main.go
for details about why this shim is necessary.
$ (cd tooling; go build -o .. ./cmd/with-secrets)
There are scripts to download, repackage and push the provider archive to the
staging and production terraform registries under ./tooling/bin
. They take all
the same actions as the drone promotion pipeline, but are much easier to
troubleshoot. They can be run like so:
$ sops -d $plugins_secrets | ./with-secrets ./tooling/bin/release $terraform_provider_version