Some features are giving ban so you need to figure out by yourself which function is safe.
Specially For Pubg Mobile Korea Vietnam Taiwan
For Global User's Global offset are different from korean Taiwan & Vietnam.
Global have extra 96 value of code in hex(0x68) This means if anyone want to find offset of global then just add (0x68) in Korean offset ,It will work .
Or if you have Global offset then just minus (0x68) from global offset you will get korean offset..
This information is also for ESP developer's, because i seen many of developers having problems while making all versions ESP support.
Creator = Sami Gaming
Template Credit = Team LGL
Template Version 1.3
Game Arch = Arm-v7a
Pubg Mobile Version 1.3.0 & 1.3.1
Supported Kr,VN, Taiwan,Gl
Contact Us Twitter = @SamiMalik854
Instagram = @iamsamimalik
Snapchat = @samimalik264
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