In this MERN STACK Blog Application, a user logins to the application and can add, edit and delete his own blogs. The user is provided with a "Read Only" facility with other user blogs so that the Security of the application is enhanced. This application also provides a Search feature for All the Blogs.
Visual Studio Code
MongoDB, ReactJS, ExpressJs, NodeJS, MaterialUI, Redux
- Install the latest version of NodeJS and Visual Studio Code.
- Create a folder named Backend and Install the following dependencies using Terminal
- npm i nodemon
- npm i express
- npm i mongoose
- npm i bcryptjs
- npm i cors
- Create a React app in a folder named Frontend using command npx create-react-app frontend and Install the following dependencies using Terminal
- npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled
- npm i react-router-dom
- npm i react-redux @reduxjs/toolkit
- npm install axios
- npm i @mui/icons-material
- npm i @mui/styles
- Start a new terminal, go to directory backend and type "npm start".
- Similarly, Start another new terminal, go to directory frontend and type "npm start".
- Then we will be redirected the to Local host and we can find the Blog Application over there.