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This repository hosts the physical robot code for ToolFlowNet. Published at CoRL '22.


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ToolFlowNet: Robotic Manipulation with Tools via Predicting Tool Flow from Point Clouds

Daniel Seita  •  Yufei Wang  •  Sarthak J. Shetty  •  Edward Y. Li  •  Zackory Erickson  •  David Held

Website  •  Paper

ToolFlowNet Success

⚠️ This is the repository containing the robot code to collect and process real world human demonstrator data for ToolFlowNet ⚠️

This is a catkin package that is used to collect human demonstration data in the format that ToolFlowNet expects. We use the generated pkl files at the end of the process to train ToolFlowNet on the real-world human demonstration data.

To use this package, first place this folder/repository inside the src folder of your catkin workspace.

Once you compile and build your catkin workspace, you should launch the necessary ROS nodes using:

    roslaunch mixed_media mixed_media.launch

This command runs the point cloud processing node, that uses depth and RGB images from a Microsoft Kinect v2.

If there are no errors, you should be all set to collect demonstrations or run inference on a trained model.

Note: [Here are additional notes] on our specific setup, which involves the ReThink Sawyer Arm and the Microsoft Azure Kinect that we used for the experiments reported in our CoRL '22 paper.

Collecting demonstrations:

To collect demonstrations, run with the following flags:

python --policy hum_t_demo --n_targ 1 --num_demos 1


  • --policy: Indicates if we're collecting human (hum_t_demo) or algorithimic (alg_t_demo) demonstrations or running inference (run_inference) with a trained model.
  • --n_targ: Specifies the number of targets that we're trying to scoop out of the water.
  • --n_demos: Specifies the number of demos that can be collected at a time. If you're constrained on memory set this to 1.

Human Demonstrator:

For the human demonstrator setting, once the robot resets to the starting position, the joint impedance reduces significantly and the arm is compliant enough for a human operator to maneuver and scoop out the ball from the bin.

Algorithmic Demonstrator:

For the algorithmic demonstrator setting, make sure the environment bounds are correctly stored in

At the end of each episode, the time-stamped data from the episode will be stored in appropriate folders under the data/ directory.

Processing demonstration data:

Here are the instructions for generating observation action pairs from the physical robot experiments.

  1. Once the demonstrations have been collected from the code, they are saved in the data/ folder.

  2. To generate the observation, action pairs use the code as follows:

    python --folder_name data/policy_scripted_rotation_ntarg_01_ndist_00_maxT_10/data/ --encoding targ
  3. When runs, we get pkls for each of the demonstrations. This is stored in the respective demonstration session's pkl_dir_name_save folder. To collect all the pkls across the entire session, we use This script moves all the pkls to a single folder and tars them up as well into a dataset_archive.tar file. This is so that we can move the data to a heavier machine for training. Here's the command for

    python --src /data/sarthak/data_demo/data/policy_scripted_rotation_ntarg_01_ndist_00_maxT_10/data/ --dst /data/sarthak/v07_rotation_translation_variably_composed/ --k_steps 1 takes 3 arguments, 1. src which is the location of the policy_data folder. pkl_check recursively looks into these folders and finds the pkls. 2. dst which is the location where you want to move all these pkls to. 3. k_steps since a given src might contain pkls from different k_steps as well.

  1. If you want to analyze some basic stats of the pkls that you're about to train on, you can run which is available on toolflownet-physical. takes just one argument, --dataset_loc which should be the same as dst from the previous step.

    python --dataset_loc /data/sarthak/v07_rotation_translation_variably_composed/

Once runs, it generates a simple plot called dataset_stats.png and stores in dataset_loc. You can visualize histograms of the act_raw component across all the pkls in dataset_loc. Here is an example: Dataset Stats

  1. Here, we provide links to the demonstrator data (approximately 25GB) that we used to train the final variant of our model. You can download it using:

    gdown 1R1ZcdEA3WHr_V0fwOhJiRihiM4pPqhiE

Untar this zip file using:

tar -xvf corl_2022_human_demonstrator_data.tar.gz

This should result in a folder called v06_human_demonstrator_variable_composing_only_PKLs which should contain the pkls for 125 human demonstrations, necessary to train ToolFlowNet for the physical experiments.

  1. To train on this demonstrator, first make sure you're pointing to the right data directories in, including DATA_HEAD_1 and the suffix variable in the main function in the same file. After checking the file variables are pointing to the right location, run:

    python experiments/bc/

Running inference:

  1. To run inference, run with the run_inference argument for the policy flag:

    python --policy run_inference --n_targ=1
  2. On the GPU machine, which contains the trained model, run, available on softagent_tfn:

    python -m bc.inference --exp_config SVD_POINTWISE_3D_FLOW --model_path data/local/BCphy_v06_human_fast_zero_lag_variable_composing_ntrain_0100_PCL_PNet2_svd_pointwise_acttype_flow_rawPCL_scaleTarg/BCphy_v06_human_fast_zero_lag_variable_composing_ntrain_0100_PCL_PNet2_svd_pointwise_acttype_flow_rawPCL_scaleTarg_2022_09_18_21_51_08_0001/model/ckpt_0340.tar --obs_dim 5 --max_n_points 1400 --scale_factor 100.0
  3. The control PC running will now send point cloud observations to the GPU machine, which in-turn will run inference with the trained model and send back end-effector actions to the control PC.

  4. You can download the final variant of the model that we used to generate results for our CoRL '22 paper here, using:

    gdown --folder 163NsJJDxAuSpL6RSsVAEWnT0rbAyPMub

The inference code uses the checkpoint directly in the tar format, and therefore you do not need to untar it.

Note: This checkpoint is to be used after the --model flag in the bc.inference command above.


If you run into any issues with the workflow, please contact the authors to correct/update this README.


This repository hosts the physical robot code for ToolFlowNet. Published at CoRL '22.






