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Phil Hagelberg edited this page Mar 7, 2014 · 1 revision

Running a Seajure meeting often involves setting up a shared tmux session were everyone can gather to hack on a codebase together.


We usually use Syme to manage these sessions. If there isn't an existing project to hack on, just pick "Seajure/seajure", which will get you all the Clojure packages from the language detection functionality, but you can just delete the repo on disk and start a new one. Once the node has started, write the SSH command that Syme shows on a whiteboard or a card you can pass around.

Public keys

When launching the node, Syme will ask for a list of GitHub users to invite. Inviting +seajure will add everyone in the GitHub Seajure organization to the list of authorized users. If someone arrives who isn't in the org yet, you can add them to the invite list at boot time, or you can run the add-github-key bash script on the instance itself once it's booted to fetch their public key and add it to the authorized_keys file.

User config

Repos which have their language detected as Clojure will cause Leiningen and the JDK to be installed, but no personal dotfiles (config for Emacs, tmux, etc) will be installed from that. These files are found by looking for a repo named .symerc on GitHub under the username of whoever starts the node. A good start would be to fork technomancy's .symerc to your own account.


If anyone has trouble connecting via SSH, ensure that they've got the correct public key uploaded to GitHub. You can re-run add-github-key after the box has booted if someone needs to update GitHub's copy of their pubkey.

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