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Eric Pugh edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 8 revisions

The RRE repository has been structured as an Apache Maven multi-module project, which consists of the modules listed below. Beside each of them, there's a link to a dedicated Wiki page, where you can find detailed information.

  • rre
    • rre-core: the core libraries, where all the magic happens
    • rre-maven-archetypes: see Maven Archetypes
      • rre-maven-elasticsearch-archetype: archetype for Elasticsearch-based projects
      • rre-maven-external-elasticsearch-archetype: archetype for externally running Elasticsearch-based projects
      • rre-maven-solr-archetype: archetype for Apache Solr-based projects
      • rre-maven-external-solr-archetype: archetype for externally running Solr-based projects
      • rre-maven-generic-search-archtype: archetype for a custom search API w your own Adapter
    • rre-maven-plugin: see Maven Plugin
      • rre-maven-elasticsearch-plugin: plugin for Elasticsearch-based projects
      • rre-maven-external-elasticsearch-plugin: plugin for externally running Elasticsearch-based projects
      • rre-maven-solr-plugin: plugin for Apache Solr-based projects
      • rre-maven-external-solr-plugin: plugin for externally running Solr-based projects
      • rre-maven-generic-search-plugin: plugin for a custom search API w your own Adapter
      • rre-maven-report-plugin: see Maven Reporting Plugin
    • rre-search-platform: see Search Platform Framework
      • rre-search-platform-api: search platform abstraction layer
      • rre-search-platform-elastic-impl: Elasticsearch binding
      • rre-search-platform-solr-impl: Apache Solr binding
      • rre-search-platform-external-solr-impl: External Solr binding
    • rre-server: see RRE Server

Being a Maven project, in case you would like to contribute, it's very easy to load the whole project into your favorite IDE. However, in case you run in some trouble please contact us, we will be happy to help you.