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Seattle Clearinghouse Installation How-To

This document explains how to do a fresh install of the Seattle Clearinghouse portal on a machine that is running a Debian-like Linux operating system such as Ubuntu.

You might want to take a look at the Seattle Infrastructure Architecture documentation before proceeding. This also mentions the other two infrastructure components of Seattle Testbed, the Custom Installer Builder and the software update server, and talk about their interfacing with the Clearinghouse.

Setting up a non-privileged user account

First of all, on the server or VM you will be using for the clearinghouse, we recommend to set up a user account specific to the Clearinghouse instance you are going to set up. This ensures all of the code, config files, etc. remain isolated from that of other services on the same machine.

The user should not be granted interactive login for security reasons. Use sudo -i -u theusername instead to work in their directory. Needless to say, the user should not have root privileges or be able to acquire them.

Any user name will be fine. We'll use ch in the instructions:

$ sudo adduser ch

Install Dependencies

Clearinghouse requires at least the following software to be installed:

  • Python in version 2.7 (use the latest release) -- the language Seattle Clearinghouse is written in
  • Pip -- Recommended tool for installing python packages.
  • mysqlclient -- the python mysql interface
  • MySQL -- the database
  • Apache 2.4 -- the web server
  • mod_wsgi -- necessary for interfacing with Django code
  • OpenSSL -- necessary for https:// support
  • Django in version 1.8.x -- necessary to run Django code
  • Django Social Auth -- for OpenID and Oauth support.

Most of these can be installed through a package manager. For example, on a Debian-based system:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
$ # MySQL will prompt you to set a root database password, which you should do.
$ sudo apt-get install ntp
$ sudo apt-get install openssl

Setup python virtualenvironment

A convenient way to isolate your Python installations from each other is to use virtualenv, e.g. if you have specific version requirements for one project, but don't want to apply them system-wide or for other projects. Virtualenv creates a separate environment that has its own installation directory and that doesn’t share libraries with other virtualenv environments. The virtualenvwrapper makes usage of virtualenv even easier. With the following instructions you can install and setup virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper and create a virtualenv called ch which can be used to install your Seattle Clearinghouse Django installation.

$ # Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

$ # Login as user above created
$ sudo -i -u ch

$ # Create a directory in your home folder where all your virtualenvs will live
$ mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
$ # Make the virtualenvwrapper available
$ echo "export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "source /usr/local/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc

$ # Create a new virtualenv called `ch` and immediately switch to it.
$ mkvirtualenv ch

In the future you just have to issue the shell command workon ch to switch to the environment or deactivate if you want to leave it. You know that you are in the virtualenv when your shell prompt is prefixed by (ch). Note: This prefix is omitted in the shell snippets in the remainder of the document.

Install Django

Django, the web framework the clearinghouse uses, is available at or through a package manager. Please note that SeattleTestbed/clearinghouse:master currently supports the 1.8 versions of Django only.

$ pip install django==1.8.18

Depending on your actual OS and setup, this command might require sudo privileges.

Install Mysqlclient

Mysqlclient is the recommended choice for using MySQL with Django.

$ pip install mysqlclient

Install Django Social Auth

Note that even if you don't enable OpenID and OAuth, Clearinghouse requires this specific Django package installed:

$ pip install django-social-auth

Setup OpenID and OAuth (optional)

If you would like your Clearinghouse to support login not only through user accounts it manages itself, but ID/authentication services like OpenID and OAuth, or web services like Google, Facebook, or GitHub, take a look at the social auth support instructions page.

Create MySQL databases

You need two mysql databases and seperate users with access to each.

  • First database name: clearinghouse
  • Second database name: keydb

For simplicity, make the database usernames correspond to the database names.

Here's an example of creating a database and a user:

$ sudo mysql -u root -p
$ # This requires entering the database root password set during install!
mysql> create database clearinghouse;

ON clearinghouse.* 
TO 'clearinghouse'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'desired password for clearinghouse';

mysql> create database keydb;

ON keydb.* 
TO 'keydb'@'localhost'
IDENTIFIED BY 'desired password for keydb';

mysql> \q

where you would replace the password strings with suitable ones.

Deploying and running Clearinghouse

In this section, we will deploy and run a copy of the Clearinghouse from your current user account in a temporary directory. This is mainly useful for testing. For an actual deployment, we recommend setting up a separate user account, and following the steps below as this user.

  1. Make sure you are logged in with your clearinghouse account: sudo -i -u ch

  2. Clone the Clearinghouse repository into ch's home directory, and let the initialize script fetch dependencies:

    $ cd ~
    $ git clone
    $ cd clearinghouse/scripts
    $ python
  3. Deploy all necessary files to a directory of your choice. We'll use ~/deployment (a directory called deployment under the clearinghouse user's account) in these instructions. You'll need to give two arguments to the deployment script: The parent directory of the clearinghouse repo you checked out, and a directory you want to deploy to.

    $ python ~/clearinghouse/deploymentscripts/ ~ ~/deployment
  4. Deploy the Repy runtime. Create a seattle directory within deployment, and run the build script.

    $ mkdir ~/deployment/seattle
    $ cd ~/clearinghouse/scripts
    $ python ~/deployment/seattle
  5. The Seattle backend scripts require a set of public keys (called ''state keys'') to work. From the seattle runtime directory, make key generate script executable and run it:

    $ cd ~/deployment/seattle
    $ chmod +x
    # Work around
    $ mkdir ../clearinghouse/node_state_transitions/statekeys   
    $ ./ ../clearinghouse/node_state_transitions/statekeys
    • Note that only the *.publickey files are required for the clearinghouse. You can safely remove the *.privatekeys from ~/deployment/clearinghouse/node_state_transitions/statekeys.
  6. If it does not already exist, create a logs directory for the clearinghouse component to write to:

    $ cd ~/deployment/clearinghouse
    $ mkdir logs
  7. Edit the django settings file in ~/deployment/clearinghouse/website/

  • Add clearinghouse database name and credentials in the DATABASES dict (Be sure you've already created a MySQL database for the clearinghouse, e.g. clearinghouse)
# Database
    'default': {
        # you can use django.db.backends.sqlite3 instead of mysql. If you
        # decide to do so, you can leave the other fields empty
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'clearinghouse',
        'USER': 'clearinghouse',
        'PASSWORD': '<db user password>',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': '',
  • Set SECRET_KEY to a long, random string.
  • If this is a production launch, also set DEBUG to False, and uncomment and change the fields for sending ADMINS email.
  • If your clearinghouse is supposed to provide installers other than the stock Seattle ones, you need to set up a Custom Installer Builder and point SEATTLECLEARINGHOUSE_INSTALLER_BUILDER_XMLRPC to that URL. Currently, there are two existing Custom Installer Builders you can choose from:
    • Default CIB, currently providing no repy_v2 compatibility (only repy_v1). This means that, among other things, the seattle installation will not provide NAT traversal, and so you may run into issues if you're testing things on a machine that's behind a router (say).

    • The current SensibilityTestbed CIB, which does provide repy_v2 compatibility.

  • You can also adapt the clearinghouse TIME_ZONE
  1. Add clearinghouse and seattle to the PYTHONPATH to ensure that the django app and the Repy runtime work. Also create an environment variable pointing at the django setting file, which will be needed in the WSGI script. Note: Consider adding these lines to your ~/.bashrc file.
$ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/ch/deployment:/home/ch/deployment/seattle
  1. Create the database structure. You may want to create a Django administrator account when asked (but you don't have to). Note that this user will be able to log in over the web using the Django admin page. Use a strong password, and update it frequently! (The password can be changed on the command line using changepassword followed by the user account name). You may get an OperationalError from django about being unable to create a table and may need to run this command twice.
$ cd ~/deployment/clearinghouse
$ python website/ syncdb
  • (Please note that Django 1.7+ has migrated to a migration-based model from start to finish, and that syncdb is deprecated entirely and will be removed in Django 1.9. For Django 1.7 and 1.8, syncdb for initial setup may still work, but should really be replaced by the following. You may need to run migrate twice if an error occurs the first time.
cd ~/deployment/clearinghouse
python website/ makemigrations
python website/ migrate
  1. For testing purposes, start the Django development webserver. This lets you check that your configs etc. have no syntax errors, and the Django app can be started. Note: To be able to further interact with the Clearinghouse (e.g. create user accounts and log in), you must set up Apache web server.
$ # Use this for running on localhost only:
$ python website/ runserver

$ # Use this for listening on every interface:
$ python website/ runserver

You will now have a local development server running on port 8000, http://localhost:8000/html/login. This is convenient for development and testing your Clearinghouse instance (but should not be used in production.)

Hint: In case you don't have a browser on your server, but have ssh access, you can use port forwarding to make the development server available for testing on your local machine: ssh -L SOME_LOCAL_PORT: YOUR_CLEARINGHOUSE_SERVER. Then, open http://localhost:SOME_LOCAL_PORT/html/login in your local browser and interact with your install.

  1. For production purpose, run the site through an Apache web server. Instructions are available below. Before the clearinghouse is ready for production use, we will set up the backend database and scripts.
  • Make sure have a MySQL database to use for the key database. We suggested above to call it keydb.

  • Edit the file ~/deployment/clearinghouse/keydb/ and set the database information for the key database, e.g.:

    # Fill these in with the information needed to use the key database.
    dbuser = "keydb"
    dbpass = "desired password for keydb"
    dbname = "keydb"
    dbhost = "localhost"
  • Create the key database structure by executing the contents of the file keydb/schema.sql on the new key database you created. If set up as suggested with both the user and databse names keydb:

    $ mysql -ukeydb -p --database=keydb < ~/deployment/clearinghouse/keydb/schema.sql
    # This will prompt for the keydb database password!
  • Edit the file ~/deployment/clearinghouse/backend/ and set a value for authcode.

  • Make sure that the files keydb/ and backend/ are not readable by the user the web server will be running as, i.e. they are only user-readable (but neither group- nor world-readable), owned by the clearinghouse user, and the web server is not in the user group the file belongs to.

  • The backend scripts can be started with a script Before we can do that, Apache needs to be set up.

Configure Apache

To provide encryption and keep passwords etc. safe in transit between a user's web browser and the Clearinghouse, it relies on SSL. Therefore you will need to set up one VirtualHost entry for connections to port 443 (SSL) at the minimum.

For a production launch, follow the instructions at this page to understand Certificate Signing Requests and dealing with Certificate Authorities in greater detail. For testing purposes, you will want to generate a temporary self-signed certificate. Here's how (we'll assume openssl is available on your clearinghouse machine). Note: some of the below steps require sudo, so you might want to use a user who is in the sudoers file.

  1. Generate a server private key:
$ openssl genrsa -out ch.key 4096
  1. Generate a Certificate Signing request, and sign it yourself using the server key:
$ openssl req -new -key ch.key -out ch.csr
# Follow the interactive dialog. For a testing key, you can use default values for all fields.

$ openssl x509 -req -in ch.csr -signkey ch.key -out ch.crt
  1. Move the certificate and key file into a directory where Apache can find them. We suggest to use /etc/apache2/ssl. Warning: The key does not have a passphrase! If this is a production key, make sure it's not readable by any user but root.
$ sudo mv ch.* /etc/apache2/ssl/
$ sudo chown root /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.crt /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.csr /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.key
$ sudo chmod 600 /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.crt /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.csr /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.key

Next up, we configure Apache.

This is a minimal exemplary configuration to serve the Clearinghouse website from https://ch.loc/. Note that in this snippet, the second VirtualHost entry assumes that you have a server certificate and key file setup, and the Location directive assumes that your Clearinghouse installation lives in /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse and that your Django settings module is

Depending on you configuration of Apache, you may want to put below code in a file called /etc/apache2/sites-available/ch.conf.

# In /etc/apache2/sites-available/ch.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName ch.loc
    Redirect / https://ch.loc/

<VirtualHost *:443>
    ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
    ServerName ch.loc

    # Enable SSL
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.crt
    SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/ch.key
    # You can add intermediate certificates here.
    #SSLCertificateChainFile ...

    # Point Apache to the clearinghouse's static images/CSS/JavaScript
    Alias /site_media /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse/website/html/media
    <Directory /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse/website/html/media>
        Require all granted

    # XXX We should configure the Django admin page static files too!
    # XXX See

    # Run the Django app as the clearinghouse user
    # Use python-path option of the `WSGIDaemonProcess` directiv to tell
    # WSGI where your virtualenv is at.
    # Add `python-home=....` for you virtualenv if required for the Python bin.
    # Find the path from within your virtualenv using
    # `python -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)'`
    WSGIDaemonProcess chdjango user=ch processes=5 threads=10 python-path=/home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse:/home/ch/.virtualenvs/ch/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    WSGIProcessGroup chdjango

    # Point the URL https://ch.loc/ to the Django app
    WSGIScriptAlias / /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse/wsgi/ process-group=chdjango

    <Directory /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse/wsgi>
        Require all granted


Enable your clearinghouse configuration:

$ sudo a2ensite ch.conf

You maybe want to add ServerName to your /etc/hosts file:

# In /etc/hosts add the following line       ch.loc

To use this configuration for your Seattle Clearinghouse installation, change

  • ch.loc to your domain name (or IP address in case you performing tests),
  • /home/ch/deployment/ in the site media location, and
  • WSGIScriptAlias directive to the directory where you deployed Seattle Clearinghouse;
  • also, make sure "/admin_media" is aliased to a valid directory, as the exact location will vary depending on the version of Python installed and how you installed Django.

To configure SSL you will probably need to install openssl to generate a private key/CSR (Certificate Signing Request), and then possibly purchase a certificate for your site. For more information see this page. Put your SSL key and certificate in a directory named /etc/apache2/ssl (or change the configuration to correctly reference them). If you generate your own certificate instead of buying one, remove the line for "SSLCertificateChainFile".

Be sure to restart Apache after you are done changing the configuration files.

$ sudo service apache2 restart

If you try to access your Seattle Clearinghouse installation's website now, then creating user accounts, logging in etc. will not function correctly. These tasks require a few management scripts to run in the background. We will start them in the next section.


The Seattle Clearinghouse includes a scripts that automatically search for, contact, and set up newly installed Seattle nodes, and also synchronize accesses to the Clearinghouse XML-RPC interface ("lock server"). The relevant backend architecture is described here. If you have all the components of Seattle Clearinghouse (including Apache) configured, the script /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse/deploymentscripts/ will start up all the individual components in the correct order, and also start Apache.

Note to developers: If you are modfifying the Clearinghouse code, you might want to start its individual components manually. See the Developers' Notes for details.

Before running the script, make sure to edit the start script and change CLEARINGHOUSE_USER, CLEARINGHOUSE_DIR, PYTHONPATH, and LOG_DIR to the correct locations for your deployment. Also, create LOG_DIR if it doesn't already exist.

# In /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse/deploymentscripts/
export PYTHONPATH="$CLEARINGHOUSE_DIR/..:$REPY_RUNTIME_DIR:/home/ch/.virtualenvs/ch/lib/python2.7/site-packages"

If one or more of the backend scripts (called for different state names, and are already running, kill them before running

To run the script, run the following commands with the correct directory substituted for your deployment directory. This will start the script in a new screen session running as root.

$ sudo -i
$ screen
$ cd /home/ch/deployment/clearinghouse/deploymentscripts
$ ./

Hit CTRL-A followed by D to detach the screen session.

To later reattach to the session in order to stop or restart

$ sudo -i
$ screen -r

Done! (Almost)

Congratulations! You should now have a fully operational Seattle Clearinghouse installation that you can access at https://ch.loc/html/login


Log rotation


This section collects a few error messages and typical fixes for issues that you might encounter when setting up a Clearinghouse.

Enable Apache's SSL Engine

If on a restart Apache gives the error:

Invalid command 'SSLEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

then you need to enable SSL by running:

$ sudo a2enmod ssl

UTF-8 Encoding In Terminal Session And Database

When using utf-8 as the character encoding in your terminal, the migration scripts for the Clearinghouse will also assume UTF-8, but the MySQL/MariaDB databases are still created with ASCII encoding. This yields a warning message when running makemigrations (1), and causes a persistent error when running migrate:

control.ActionLogVesselDetails.node_port: (fields.W122) 'max_length' is ignored when used with IntegerField
	HINT: Remove 'max_length' from field

django.db.utils.OperationalError: (1071, 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes')

Making the databases use UTF-8 character encoding (as suggested here) solves the issue:

MariaDB [clearinghouse]> alter database clearinghouse character set utf8;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [clearinghouse]> alter database keydb character set utf8;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Run migrate twice now, the second pass will succeed.