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Sebastiano Ferraris edited this page Aug 14, 2017 · 24 revisions

Conversion Examples

A dataset of MR Bruker images where to test the code can be found here (thanks to Mikaël Naveau).

In the following lines we will convert the images accessing bruker2nifti via

  • Python command shell,
  • Command Line Utility (CLI) to integrate it in a bash script,
  • Graphical User Interface (GUI).

All you need:

  • The dataset provided downloaded in a data_folder.
  • A python release with bruker2nifti installed

Converting via Python command shell

All in the same Python module:

import os

from bruker2nifti.converter import Bruker2Nifti

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root_dir = '/path/to/bruker2nifti/repo'
    pfo_study_in = os.path.join(root_dir, 'test_data', 'bru_banana')
    pfo_study_out = '/path/to/some/existing/folder/where/conversion/will/happen'

    # instantiate a converter - if you do not want to use the default study name in visu_pars set the study name here.
    bru = Bruker2Nifti(pfo_study_in, pfo_study_out, study_name='banana')
    # select the options (attributes) you may want to change - the one shown below are the default one:
    bru.verbose = 2
    bru.correct_slope = True
    bru.get_acqp = False
    bru.get_method = False
    bru.get_reco = False
    bru.nifti_version = 1
    bru.qform_code = 1
    bru.sform_code = 2
    bru.save_human_readable = True
    bru.save_b0_if_dwi = True
    bru.correct_slope = False
    # Check that the list of scans and the scans names automatically selected makes some sense:
    # call the function convert, to convert the study:

Converting via Command Line Utility


python parsers/bruker2nii -h

for help and see the options.

Converting via Graphical User Interface

Check the next wiki-page to convert the data_set examples with the GUI.