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Admin Commands

Steve Guidetti edited this page Feb 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Admin commands can be executed in the console via the sm console command, or in chat via chat triggers. For example, sm kick Player can be executed in chat as /kick Player.


Format Description
name Partial (unique) or exact name match
#entityId Entity ID match
#steamId Steam ID match
#name Exact name match
@all Target all players
@me Target yourself
@!me Target all players except yourself

Standard Commands

These are the admin commands that are available in the default SevenMod installation.

Command Arguments (<required> [optional]) Plugin Access Description
sm addban <playerId> <minutes|0> [reason] BaseBans Ban Adds a player to the server ban list
sm ban <target> <minutes|0> [reason] BaseBans Ban Bans a player from the server
sm cancelvote BaseCommands Vote Cancels a vote in progress
sm chat <message> BaseChat Chat Sends a message to all admins
sm cvar <cvar> <value> BaseCommands Convars Changes a SevenMod console variable
sm help [page #] AdminHelp Displays SevenMod commands and descriptions
sm kick <target> [reason] BaseCommands Kick Kicks a player from the server
sm psay <target> <message> BaseChat Chat Sends a message privately to one player
sm rcon <command> BaseCommands RCON Executes a command on the server console
sm reloadadmins BaseCommands Ban Reloads the admin list
sm resetcvar <cvar> BaseCommands Convars Resets a SevenMod console variable to its default value
sm say [color] <message> BaseChat Chat Sends a message to all players
sm searchcmd [filter] AdminHelp Searches SevenMod commands
sm slay <target> PlayerCommands Slay Kills a player
sm unban <playerId> BaseBans Unban Unbans a player from the server
sm vote <question> [options] ... BaseVotes Vote Starts a vote
sm voteban <target> BaseVotes Vote Starts a vote to temporarily ban a player from the server
sm votekick <target> BaseVotes Vote Starts a vote to kick a player from the server
sm who BaseCommands Generic Lists connected clients and their access flags