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Steve Guidetti edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Access Flags

Admin access is granted based on a flag system. The flags are represented by alphabetic characters, which can be combined into a string determining features to which an admin user has access.

Flag Name Description
a Reservation Reserved slots
b Generic Generic admin
c Kick Kick other players
d Ban Ban other players
e Unban Remove bans
f Slay Damage or kill other players
g Changemap Map/world related functions
h Convars Change server settings
i Config Execute configuration files
j Chat Special chat privileges
k Vote Start votes
l Password Password the server
m RCON Server console access
n Cheats "Cheat" commands
o Custom1 Custom flag
p Custom2 Custom flag
q Custom3 Custom flag
r Custom4 Custom flag
s Custom5 Custom flag
t Custom6 Custom flag
z Root Root access; grants all flags and overrides immunity


Admin immunity is represented by a positive integer. Admins with a lower immunity value cannot target admins with a higher immunity value.