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Steve Guidetti edited this page Feb 9, 2019 · 1 revision

All configuration files are created in {SaveGameFolder}/SevenMod/Config.

Property Default File Description
ChatMode True BaseChat.xml Allow players to send messages to admin chat
FloodTime 0.75 AntiFlood.xml The time in seconds allowed between chat messages
PublicChatTrigger ! Core.xml Chat prefix for public commands
ReservedSlots 0 ReservedSlots.xml The number of reserved slots
ServerLang en Core.xml The language key for the server
ShowActivity 13 Core.xml Specifies how admin activity should be relayed to users
ShowVoteProgress True Core.xml Show votes in chat
SilentChatTrigger / Core.xml Chat prefix for silent commands
VoteBanPercent 0.60 BaseVotes.xml The percentage of players that must vote yes for a successful ban vote
VoteKickPercent 0.60 BaseVotes.xml The percentage of players that must vote yes for a successful kick vote
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