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Infrastructure as Code

Table of Contents

  1. Overview

    1.1. Terraform

    1.2. Vagrant

  2. Goal

  3. Steps

    3.1. Prerequisites

    3.2. Docker Provider

    3.3. Vagrant Provider

    3.4. GitHub Provider

    3.5. AWS Provider

  4. Best Practices

1. Overview

1.1. Terraform

The core terraform workflow consists of 3 stages:

  • Write: represent infrastructure as HCL declarative code. The syntax is built around two constructs: arguments and blocks (i.e., line-separated arguments and blocks).
    • HCL supports common programming concepts such as variables, types (string, numeric), functions (built-in), and expressions.
    • An existing and supported infrastructure can be imported into terraform to start managing it from code.
  • Plan: terraform creates an execution plan describing actions (e.g., create, modify, or destroy resources) that will be taken based on existing infrastructure state (stored in the backend) and current workspace configuration.
  • Apply: interact with the service/platform-specific API through their providers (published on registry) to execute the plan.
    • Named values are used for working with API keys or other configurations to allow re-usability and avoid hard-coding.
    • Modules are used to group resources that are used together as a reusable package.

1.2. Vagrant

  • Vagrantfile is used to describe an environment (of VMs/containers with networking) as declarative ruby code that can be used to set up the environment, test scripts or configuration management tools (e.g., Chef, Ansible, or Puppet), then halt and destroy the environment or recreate it on the cloud.
  • A box (pulled from the cloud) is typically used as the starting point for running ready-to-use environments or as a template for creating custom ones.
  • Providers allow writing Vagrantfiles for different types of virtualization systems. Support for Virtualbox, Hyper-V, and Docker works out-of-the-box. Other providers should be installed as plugins.

2. Goal

Getting familiar with terraform by:

3. Steps

3.1. Prerequisites

3.2. Docker Provider

  • Write that uses docker provider kreuzwerker/docker to create resources of types docker_image and a docker_container.

  • Parametrize container_name in and define outputs in

  • Use terraform to run sh3b0/app_python

    docker pull sh3b0/app_python
    docker tag sh3b0/app_python app_python
    terraform init       # Prepare workspace and download providers
    terraform validate   # Check configuration for validity
    terraform fmt        # Format source file
    terraform plan       # Show execution plan
  • Apply plan with the custom value: terraform apply -var 'container_name=app_python'


  • Show state


3.3. Vagrant Provider

  • Write Vagrantfile that uses hashicorp/bionic64 box to create 3 VMs for app and a fourth one for the load balancer.

    vagrant up       # Start and provision environment
    vagrant halt     # Stop the VMs
    vagrant destroy  # Destroy the environment.
  • Write that uses vagrant provider and that shows forwarded ports.

    terraform init      # Prepare workspace and download providers
    terraform validate  # Check configuration for validity
    terraform fmt       # Format source file
    terraform plan      # Show execution plan
    terraform apply     # Execute the plan
  • On success, 4 VMs should be visible in VirtualBox GUI.

    • Default credentials for testing: vagrant:vagrant
    • Private keys for connection are stored in .vagrant directory.


  • Run terraform destroy to destroy the created infrastructure.

3.4. GitHub Provider

  • Write that uses integrations/github provider.

  • Configure github provider with token declared in and assign the value from command line or .tfvars file.

  • Declare resources of types github_repository, github_branch, github_branch_default, and github_branch_protection_v3 with the desired configurations.

  • Import the remote repo to use the existing configuration

    terraform import github_repository.<resource_name> <repo_name>
  • Use the same terraform commands as above to manage the repository configuration from terraform.

  • Test repository created manually


  • Terraform configurations applied


  • Description and default branch changed


  • Branch protection rules applied


3.5. AWS Provider

  • Write that uses hashicorp/aws provider to provision an EC2 instance by creating an aws_instance resource.

  • Specify the OS to run using its corresponding AMI (Ubuntu examples).

  • Run

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<iam_access_key>
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<iam_secret_key>
    terraform init
    terraform validate
    terraform fmt
    terraform plan
    terraform apply
  • Verify instance was created


  • Destroy instance with terraform destroy


4. Best Practices

  • Use an IDE plugin to help with syntax highlighting and autocompletion (official VSCode plugin).

  • Use built-in formatter and validator, check plan before applying changes.

  • Sensitive information (state and secret variables) shouldn’t be pushed to the VCS; they can be stored locally and ignored by the VCS, or stored remotely and encrypted at rest (.gitignore for terraform).

  • Recommended directory structure and file naming for a minimal module:

    ├──     # module description
    ├──       # entry point (resource definition)
    ├──  # input variables and locals
    ├──    # output variables
  • When using providers (for vagrant or terraform), be sure to pin their versions to ensure reproducibility.