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Continuous Deployment

Table of Contents

  1. Overview

    1.1. Ansible

  2. Goal

  3. Steps

    3.1. Prerequisites

    3.2. Create Ansible Roles

  4. Best Practices

1. Overview

1.1. Ansible

  • A playbook (written in YAML) defines one or more plays that will be executed on one or more remote machines (selected from inventory) through an SSH connection (no agent required).
  • A play has a name (optional), vars (optional), target hosts (selected by patterns), a remote_user (e.g., root), one or more tasks to execute, and (optionally) one or more handlers to be notified to run when the play changes machine state.
  • A task executes a [named] module (built-in or 3rd-party) against remote machines (default execution strategy is sequential).
  • An inventory (YAML/INI file) contains [named groups of] IP addresses or hostnames of remote machines, it can also store variables.
  • Ansible collects return codes from executed tasks, facts about remote machines and magic variables storing internal state.
  • Role: the standard way to group related Ansible artifacts (vars, files, tasks, etc.) to share them so they can be loaded and reused.

2. Goal

  • Getting familiar with Ansible by writing plays to automatically install docker and deploy one of the applications on the Vagrant VMs created during the previous phase.

3. Steps

3.1. Prerequisites

  • Install Ansible CLI

  • Apply terraform plan with vagrant provider from previous phase.

    cd terraform/vagrant
    terraform apply
  • Forwarded SSH ports will be printed, note them down to use in Ansible config.

  • Create inventory ansible/hosts.ini with configurations for connecting to VMs.

  • Specify ansible_ssh_private_key_file=<key_file> in inventory.

    • Key files can be found in .vagrant directory which should be ignored from the VCS.
  • Create project configuration ansible/ansible.cfg and override inventory file location to use the one just created.

    • You may also disable host_key_checking as it requires interactive input to add VMs to ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
  • Test connection with ping module


  • Install community.docker collection

    ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker

3.2. Create Ansible Roles

4. Best Practices

  • Documentation Reference

  • A module should be responsible for one small simple task.

  • Use the recommended directory structure for roles.

  • Use ansible-playbook --check to check actions before taking them (not all modules support this).

    • Or try changes on staging environment first.
  • Give tasks meaningful names, separate them with empty lines for readability, use comments for extra explanation.

  • Use ansible-lint to lint playbooks.

  • Use dynamic inventory when working with cloud hosts to avoid manual IP/hostname configurations.

  • Use state to specify the desired module state so that modules won’t execute twice unless needed.

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