Arceeika Ecommerce Nextjs ( React ) website created with mongodb, Redux and Nextjs App Router
- Next.js: Next.js is The React Framework for Production, providing a fast and scalable foundation for your eCommerce website.
- Express.js: Express.js is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that offers a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
- MongoDB: MongoDB is a developer-friendly data platform that provides the services and tools necessary to build distributed applications at scale.
- Mongoose: Mongoose provides a straightforward, schema-based solution to model your application data, offering built-in type casting, validation, and query building.
- Stripe: Stripe offers online payment solutions, allowing you to create a secure and reliable website with e-commerce functionality.
- Nodemailer: Nodemailer is a module for Node.js applications that facilitates easy email sending, keeping your users informed and engaged.
- Authentication: Shofy includes features for Google login, user registration, email verification, forgot password, reset password, and profile updates.
- Redux Toolkit: Manage state effortlessly with Redux Toolkit, providing a convenient and efficient way to handle state in your application.
- RTK Query: RTK Query is a powerful data fetching and caching tool, ensuring efficient data retrieval for a smoother user experience.
- Typescript + Next.js App Directory: Shofy leverages TypeScript in combination with Next.js, enhancing code reliability and maintainability.
- Form Validation: Ensure data accuracy and consistency with form validation capabilities.
- Bootstrap 5 (latest Version) Framework: Bootstrap is a popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for responsive, mobile-first projects.
- Responsive Layout Design: Shofy is fully responsive across all devices, providing a seamless experience for your customers.
- Touch Friendly: The web application is designed for easy browsing on touch devices, making it accessible to a wide range of users.