Tools for working with TREC KBA Corpora
For more info, run this:
python -h
The is an example Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) job that uses yelp's mrjob to illustrate how to work with the KBA corpus. reads in paths to individual chunk files in the TREC KBA Stream Corpus 2012, loads them from s3, and counts things about the data.
You can generate paths using this command -- note the particular date-hour in this example is 2012-04-23-08:
(for a in s3cmd ls s3://aws-publicdatasets/trec/kba/kba-stream-corpus-2012/2012-04-23-08/ | grep xz.gpg | cut -c 32-
do echo http$a; done;) >& public_urls-2012-04-23-08.txt
You can get a list of all the date_hour strings here:
s3cmd get s3://aws-publicdatasets/trec/kba/kba-stream-corpus-2012/dir-names.txt