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AirForce3D Engine (

bsd license

1. About

AirForce3D is a C++ game engine and built-in level editor:

Check out short AirForce3D engine showreel on youtube:

AirForce3D engine showreel

2. Features

  • Core functionaity
    • Modern C++ (C++11) code base
    • AClass / AObject / AProperty - meta object system with reflection
    • 3D models: FBX
    • Textures: PNG, TGA, HDR, DDS, etc.
    • Instancing: ability to embed a saved scene into another scene
    • Automatic 3D model importer: ablity to split single FBX file into series of scene objects, meshes, etc.
    • Windows and Linux support
  • Graphics
    • OpenGL 4.3 renderer
    • Variety of shading models: Unlit, Classic blinn-phong, Modern PBR
    • Anti-aliasing modes: FXAA, TAA
    • Post-processing: Tone mapping, Bloom, Motion Blur, SSAO
    • Clustered-forward shading using compute shaders
    • Lights: Point, Directional, Spot
    • Dynamic shadows: CSM
    • Global illumination: light probes / reflection probes. Spherical and Box models
    • Skyboxes
    • Multiple cameras, multiple render targets
  • Lua scripting
    • Ability to create, inspect, modify the scene, object, lights, physics, etc.
    • Easily extensible with new bindings, thanks to luabind
    • LuaJIT support
  • Bullet physics integration
    • Supports static, kinematic and dynamic bodies
    • Collision shapes: box, capsule, cone, cylinder, plane, sphere, static mesh, convex mesh
    • Joint types: point to point, hinge, cone twist, slider, 6dof
    • Custom collision filters, collision matrix
    • Sensors
    • Scripting integration
    • Ability to set mass, friction, restitution, dampings, gravity, etc.
    • Debug draw
  • Built-in editor
    • Command history, undo / redo stack
    • Transform, rotate, scale modifiers
    • Manipulation modes: scene objects, visuals, lights, collisions, joints
    • Entity creation, removal, duplication, etc.
    • Play mode: test your scene without leaving the editor
    • Extensible via AClass / AObject meta object system

3. Status

This was originally my hobby project, mostly for learning purposes in the area of 3D graphics and engines. It's still very incomplete, it lacks a lot of functionality and it's not well-optimized yet, but it's getting there :)

Note! Currently this project is on hold as I don't have enough free time to work on it. But hopefully I'll be able to get back to it someday...

4. Build for windows

Install LFS

This project uses Git Large Files extension. You need to install lfs if it is not already installed. Do:

git lfs install

And make sure all large files are downloaded.

Install CMake

Download latest stable (not RC) .exe installer at

Run it, choose "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users", accept other defaults.

Install Visual Studio Community 2019

Generate visual studio solution

Open cmd shell (i.e. win key + R, type "cmd"), inside the shell run:


If everything was done right, you'll see CMake generating the solution and output:

-- Build files have been written to: C:/Projects/af3d/build_Win32_VS2019

Build and run the intro scene

Open visual studio if you haven't done so already, open C:\Projects\af3d\build_Win32_VS2019\AF3D.sln solution.

  • Set "af3d" project as active project, i.e. right-click "af3d" project and select "Set as StartUp project"
  • Open "af3d" project properties, i.e. right-click "af3d" project and select "Properties"
  • Set "Configuration" to "All Configurations"
  • Go to "Configuration Properties -> Debugging" and change "Working Directory" to $(ProjectDir)..\out\bin\$(Configuration)
  • Press "Ok"

Now you can build and run the engine in different configurations, i.e. to build in release mode choose "Release" in the topmost combox box and press "ctrl + F5"

Once engine is built you can also run it outside of IDE by simply running "C:\Projects\af3d\build_Win32_VS2019\out\bin\Release\af3d.exe"

Note! The engine is painfully slow in debug mode, better run it in release.

Run in editor mode

By default af3d.exe will run intro.af3 scene, if you want to run the editor, you'll need to run it like this:

af3d.exe intro.af3 1

If you want to run some other scene, do this:

af3d.exe probes.af3

5. Build for linux

Install LFS

This project uses Git Large Files extension. You need to install lfs if it is not already installed. Do:

git lfs install

And make sure all large files are downloaded.

Compile and run

Install prerequisites:

sudo apt-get install cmake libx11-dev libxxf86vm-dev libopenal-dev


cd ../af3d-release
make -j4


cd ./out/bin

Run in editor mode

By default ./af3d will run intro.af3 scene, if you want to run the editor, you'll need to run it like this:

./af3d intro.af3 1

If you want to run some other scene, do this:

./af3d probes.af3

6. Special keys

There're a couple of special keys which you can press in editor or in game mode:

  • P - Toggles physics debug draw
  • K - Toggles game debug draw
  • M - Toggles slowmo mode

You can use W/S/A/D to move around, SPACE/C - to move up / down, SHIFT key to move faster.

I in editor mode opens action menu.

There're hints for the rest of the hot keys in the editor.