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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

File Server using Flask and Angular


This is intended as an open-source web-app for real-time shared access to files on a system, with scoped user access



  • Basic user registration, login & password-recovery with email-based auth
  • A user may be assigned multiple directory sessions - i.e. restricted access within specified system paths
  • Within a scoped domain session, a user can upload, edit, relocate and download files, folders & documents
  • CRUD operations with multi-targeting available
  • Internal clipboard system for file modification operations
  • Security measures, thus far, include :
    • JWT-based authentication for requests, including cross-verification for priority access purposes, with appropriate blacklisting for force-expiry (eg. in case of logout)

    • Protection against path traversal attacks; filter mechanisms to reject suspicious requests -

      • Checks for data coherency
      • Strict access denial to paths pointing directly or indirectly to directories out of assigned scope
      • Time-limited access for fresh user logins
      • User registration using email-based 2FA
      • Limited attempts for incorrect password entries before requiring email re-authentication
      • For security purposes, current management of domain sessions can only be modified via direct database interactions

      • IMPORTANT : use "#" as standard safe directory separator substitute when storing domain paths in the database
        Eg. a standard set of data entries for domain sessions in the table 'user_directory_sessions' is
      id user_id directory
      1 1 C:#Users#Shivendra#Documents#SomeOtherFolder
      2 1 C:#Users#Shivendra#Downloads#SomeProgram

Backend -

  • Flask-based app : '' refers to the main executable flask base
  • Uses flask-sqlalchemy for database communication
  • After installing Python & Pip, ensure all required python libraries used are installed by running the following command in the backend folder
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create your own credentials.json file
    "driver"            :   "mysql",
    "user"              :   "root",
    "pas"               :   "root",
    "host"              :   "",
    "port"              :   "3306",
    "database"          :   "mydb",
    "JWT_SECRET_KEY"    :   "someSecret",
    "HASH_SECRET"       :   "anotherSecret",
    "sender_email"      :   "",
    "sender_pass"       :   "password123"
    "frontend_url"      :   "http://localhost:4200"
  • Create a corresponding databse to connect with
  • After configuring credentials.json, creating the corresponding database, and setting up SMTP credentials.
  • Run the following commands in the terminal to automatically set up database :
# <------ For Windows -------->

cd backend
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade

# <------- For Linux -------->

cd backend export FLASK_APP=''
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
  • After registering a user on your locally hosted db, manually assign domain sessions in the table 'user_directort_sessions'. Refer to Functionalities
  • Launch your database and run to fully get the server working live


  • Initialize a direct angular app setup by running the following command in the ang_test_1 directory, which should automatically set up the required dependencies from package.json npm install
  • Ensure TailwindCSS is installed and configured properly
  • Open a terminal in this directory & run the frontend angular app (assuming the backend components have gone live) ng serve


Much of the UI and functionalities published here are intended for generic prototyping purposes. There are some functionalities & changes you might like to keep in mind when adopting this for personal use

Action Reference
Modify user access token expiry (currently 1 hour) : login()
Modify limit for incorrect login attempts (currently 3 consecutive) : maxLoginAttempts
Adjusting host & ports on preferred netword & access scope Access scope limited
Modify token auth wrapper to limit consecutively active tokens for a user : valid_jwt_required() : user class
Set up cronjobs for regular cleanup of expired residuals Temp Folder contents
Expired entries in the tables token_black_list & user_verification_links
Set up a secure way to manage admin accounts and a separate dashboard for in-app management of domain sessions for other users : privelaged_user_required()
TABLE user : priority
Setting up custom DB enviroments other than MySQL may require also customizing the table declarations : All MySQL datatypes used in class variable definitions

Major Dependencies used -

  • Angular
    • Angular Material
  • Python
    • flask-jwt-extended
    • passlib
    • functools
    • flask-sqlalchemy
    • mysql-connector-python (for MySQL; may change based on your database requirements)
  • TailwindCSS
  • NodeJS