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blablubbabc edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 56 revisions

Shopkeepers logo

Welcome to the Shopkeepers wiki!


Shopkeepers is a Bukkit plugin which allows you to set up custom villager shopkeepers that sell exactly what you want them to sell and for what price. You can set up admin shops, which have infinite supply, and you can also set up player shops, which pull supply from a chest.

BukkitDev Page:
Issue Tracker:
Source code:

Maven repository for releases:
Maven repository for dev builds (snapshots):

Wiki translations

Some community members have translated the wiki into different languages, which are linked below. They are maintained independently and might therefore not always be up-to-date.

Getting started

The sidebar of this wiki should guide you pretty well through the various topics.
You can start by checking out the installation and configuration instructions. Once Shopkeepers is running, you can start creating shops!
If you are having issues or further questions, checkout the FAQ.

Thanks to

  • All contributors!
  • MasterMithrandir for creating the current logo!
  • for hosting the maven repository and development builds


If you like this plugin, consider supporting its developers by making a donation:

  • To blablubbabc (current maintainer: Dec 2013 - today)
  • To nisovin (former author: Aug 2012 - Dec 2013)

A big "thank you" to everybody who is keeping the motivation up through donations! TRS Game Servers
Minewind mercurialmusic timitimitimi
FatherWh0 (

Want to help? Looking for a documenter!

The less I have to do myself, the more time I have to write plugins. Therefore I am looking for someone who would be willing to get involved in the project. That could for example mean: Keeping the documentation (the wiki) up-to-date with plugin updates, improving the existing documentation, or help managing issues and answering to questions of users.

If you are a programmer with experience in writing bukkit plugins, or have ideas on how you can contribute to the project beyond that, let me know as well!
If you are interested, feel free to contact me via PM on, or the spigot forums.