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Simply Love for SM5 - v4.8.6

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@quietly-turning quietly-turning released this 03 Dec 03:19


This is the v4.8.6 release of Simply Love for StepMania 5. It's a pleasant little update that focused on bug fixes. The majority of the noteworthy changes came in via pull requests by outside contributors. 💛

Please note that this requires StepMania 5.0.12 or StepMania 5.1-beta. Future releases of SM5.1 should also work fine.

Older versions of SM5 are not supported. SM5.2 is not supported.



  • The Spanish translation was updated by @JoseVarelaP in #162.
  • @JoseVarelaP also submitted #163 to fix some typos in the Combo code I'd made.
  • @teejusb submitted #165 which fixed a Lua error that would prevent BPMs from displaying on EvaluationSummary.
  • @natano submitted #166 which fixed the Step Statistics gameplay overlay to respect the global BGBrightness.
  • After some offhand discussion in #166, @natano then went above and beyond in #167 to fix many issues with the notes-per-second density graphs in Gameplay. Many of the inadvisable and bizarre workarounds I'd written to prevent the density graph from scrolling underneath the notefield should no longer be necessary. As a result, gameplay with Step Statistics should properly respect your BG visualization settings now. Thanks, @natano!
  • Simply 🤔 had its BGM remastered by ashastral. ae93725
  • The BGM for the Simply Love Acknowledgments screen was updated by av01der. 72655dc

Other Stuff

  • Multiple small issues with Holiday Cheer have been fixed. Importantly, the snow particles should always initialize and animate correctly now. Let it snow. ❄️❄️❄️❄️ 30721be
  • The judgment count breakdown in gameplay's Step Stats overlay now accommodates songs with more than 9999 notes. Thanks, stamina. 💪💦 4a65329
  • The Uncommon Modifiers menu now has options for turning Lifts and Fakes off. ddb2f79
  • Select Profile was fixed to work with USB sticks in 537b0ca and again in 58d0f56.

Change Summary

For a full summary of changes between v4.8.5 and v4.8.6, check GitHub's comparison of the two.