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Astromancer by Skynet

Astromancer is a collection of data intuitivizer tools, based on the original Skynet Plotting Tools, which was designed to make data anlysis easy for the students taking the intro level astronony lab course Our Place in Space and it's follow-up course Multi Wavelength Universe.

This project is based on the Angular 15 framework. Some of the key libaries are Angular Material, Bootstrap, Handsontable, and Highcharts.

The first motivation for this projector is to re-implement the functionality of the existing graphing tools, but under a modern framework with good design pattern to make it maintainable in the long term, even not by its original authors.

The ultimate goal however, is to make observation data be understood intuitively by the students, then inspire learning and facilitate research.

Documentations have been set up as a GitHub Page through GitHub Actions. Check it out here.

To build for development, run

npm run start

To build for production, run

npm run build

To generate documentations, run

npm run generate-docs

To view documentations in development environment, run

npm run serve-docs

To extract the source language file, run

ng extract-i18n --output-path src/locale

Contact author: Reed Fu