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File metadata and controls

38 lines (26 loc) · 1.33 KB

SoCo 0.16 release notes

SoCo 0.16 is a new version of the SoCo library. This release adds new features and fixes several bugs.

SoCo (Sonos Controller) is a simple Python class that allows you to programmatically control Sonos speakers.

New Features and Improvements

  • Allow the user to configure the event listener IP address that is sent to the Sonos speakers. The default is to auto detect, but it can now be overridden. This allows for more complex network configurations (e.g. using Docker containers) to be supported. (#604)
  • The play_uri method now accepts title arguments that need XML escaping. (#605)
  • A harmless "Could not handle track info" warning has been removed. (#606)
  • Let from_didl_string throw DIDLMetadataErrors, allowing them to be caught in the event handling code. (#601)
  • Added support for object.item.audioItem.audioBook (#618)


  • Fix DidlMusicAlbum inheriting fields from DidlAudioItem instead of DidlAlbum (#592)