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RISC-V Assembler-Computer Architecture

The program converts given RISC-V code into machine code and then executes that machine code. Our ASSEMBLER supports the following instructions: R format - add, and, or, sll, slt, sra, srl, sub, xor, mul, div, rem I format - addi, andi, ori, lb, ld, lh, lw, jalr S format - sb, sw, sd, sh SB format - beq, bne, bge, blt U format - auipc, lui UJ format - jal It supports the following assembler directives: .text, .data, .byte, .half, .word, .dword, .asciiz.


 Python 3.6 or above
 A text editor
 Terminal (Ubuntu/Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows)
 GCC Compiler 


We have 3 test codes:--

  1. Fibonacci ---- data.asm
  2. Bubble sort ---- data4.asm
  3. Factorial ---- data2.asm

For running the code All you have to do is:

  1. Compile and Run start.c to run the phase1 and phase2 codes.:
$ gcc start.c
$ ./a.out
  1. It will show the following request:-
Which File You wanna execute?
press 1 for data.asm
press 2 for data2.asm
press 3 for data4.asm
  1. Now press 1 or 2 or 3 as per your convenience and get the outputs in out1.txt, for phase1 and out2.txt for phase2.


1.If there exist any instruction other than those 31 specified above, the program would halt there and show error on the terminal window.
2. The arguments of the instructions can be separated by commas(,) or white spaces( ).
3. If the number of arguments given are less or more than expected, the program will halt with an error message.
4. The format of labels expected is:

  1. The ld, lw, lh, lb instruction also takes 3 arguments:
 lw x3,0(x2)

It does not accept the 2 argument input format as they are pseudo instruction . For that we have to use 2 other basic instructions aupic and lw. If user is interested in using lw x1,label type instruction, it can be easily done using two instructions:

 auipc <destination_register> 0x10000
 lw <destination_register>, <calculate the offset accordingly>(<destination_register>)
  1. We have assumed that the memory allocation of the data in .data part of code is starting with the location: 0x10000000


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  • Python 98.5%
  • Assembly 1.2%
  • C 0.3%