The om.NewHashRepository
and om.NewJSONRepository
creates an OM repository backed by redis hash or RedisJSON.
package main
import (
type Example struct {
Key string `json:"key" redis:",key"` // the redis:",key" is required to indicate which field is the ULID key
Ver int64 `json:"ver" redis:",ver"` // the redis:",ver" is required to do optimistic locking to prevent lost update
ExAt time.Time `json:"exat" redis:",exat"` // the redis:",exat" is optional for setting record expiry with unix timestamp
Str string `json:"str"` // both NewHashRepository and NewJSONRepository use json tag as field name
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
c, err := rueidis.NewClient(rueidis.ClientOption{InitAddress: []string{""}})
if err != nil {
// create the repo with NewHashRepository or NewJSONRepository
repo := om.NewHashRepository("my_prefix", Example{}, c)
exp := repo.NewEntity()
exp.Str = "mystr"
exp.ExAt = time.Now().Add(time.Hour)
fmt.Println(exp.Key) // output 01FNH4FCXV9JTB9WTVFAAKGSYB
repo.Save(ctx, exp) // success
// lookup "my_prefix:01FNH4FCXV9JTB9WTVFAAKGSYB" through client side caching
exp2, _ := repo.FetchCache(ctx, exp.Key, time.Second*5)
fmt.Println(exp2.Str) // output "mystr", which equals to exp.Str
exp2.Ver = 0 // if someone changes the version during your GET then SET operation,
repo.Save(ctx, exp2) // the save will fail with ErrVersionMismatch.
If you have RediSearch, you can create and search the repository against the index.
if _, ok := repo.(*om.HashRepository[Example]); ok {
repo.CreateIndex(ctx, func(schema om.FtCreateSchema) rueidis.Completed {
return schema.FieldName("str").Tag().Build() // Note that the Example.Str field is mapped to str on redis by its json tag
if _, ok := repo.(*om.JSONRepository[Example]); ok {
repo.CreateIndex(ctx, func(schema om.FtCreateSchema) rueidis.Completed {
return schema.FieldName("$.str").As("str").Tag().Build() // the FieldName of a json index should be a json path syntax
exp := repo.NewEntity()
exp.Str = "special_chars:[$.-]"
repo.Save(ctx, exp)
n, records, _ := repo.Search(ctx, func(search om.FtSearchIndex) rueidis.Completed {
// Note that by using the named parameters with DIALECT >= 2, you won't have to escape chars for building queries.
return search.Query("@str:{$v}").Params().Nargs(2).NameValue().NameValue("v", exp.Str).Dialect(2).Build()
fmt.Println("total", n) // n is total number of results matched in redis, which is >= len(records)
for _, v := range records {
fmt.Println(v.Str) // print "special_chars:[$.-]"
The default index name for HashRepository
and JSONRepository
is hashidx:{prefix}
and jsonidx:{prefix}
They can be changed by WithIndexName
option to allow searching difference indexes:
repo1 := om.NewHashRepository("my_prefix", Example{}, c, om.WithIndexName("my_index1"))
repo2 := om.NewHashRepository("my_prefix", Example{}, c, om.WithIndexName("my_index2"))
Setting a redis:",exat"
tag on a time.Time
field will set PEXPIREAT
on the record accordingly when calling .Save()
If the time.Time
is zero, then the expiry will be untouched when calling .Save()
only accepts these field types:
for vector searchjson.Marshaler+json.Unmarshaler
Field projection by RediSearch is not supported.