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RAVEL Sébastien edited this page Jun 12, 2017 · 41 revisions

Welcome on the SG tutorials wiki


Polymorphism detection (INDEL-SNP) from fastq files on linux terminal - C. Dubreuil-Tranchant

Some commands to manipulate VCF files and to extract informations on linux terminal - C. Dubreuil-Tranchant

RNA-Seq differential expression on linux terminal - G. Droc

Bioinformatics tools list - C. Dubreuil-Tranchant

* SNP post analysis : vcftools / snpeff / bedtools 
* **SNP post analysis"** -
* Expression gene RNASeq scripts R
* 3000 genomes (plink)
* Galaxy
* toggle ---> sebastien


How to work on the linux SG server ? (logiciels à installer (mobaxterm), configuration) ----> Ndomassi

SGE (how to start on SGE (command qstat, qhost, qacct)) ---> Ndomassi

Linux commands - C. Dubreuil-Tranchant


Git Beginner's Guide for Dummies more - C. Dubreuil-Tranchant

Docker : Docker practical - Docker training - C. Dubreuil-Tranchant

* Jekyll
* Gbrowse