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Using Tobii eye trackers with Windows control

kmcnaught edited this page May 4, 2018 · 8 revisions

Many Tobii accessibility eye trackers are fully supported to be used directly in EyeMine. If you are using the advanced keyboards in EyeMine, you will have the best experience if you set this up properly: Setting up Tobii accessibility eye trackers/Setting-up-Tobii-accessibility-eye-trackers. If you are a beginner/intermediate player, or your Tobii eye tracker isn't working with EyeMine, you can use the Tobii Windows Control application to interact with EyeMine using mouse control.

Set up Minecraft to use mouse emulation

In the main Minecraft menu, go to Mods, and select EyeGaze from the list. Click 'Config' -> 'Basic options' and turn on 'Enable mouse emulation compatibility mode'.

Set up EyeMine for mouse input

When you first install EyeMine it should default to using mouse control. If it's not using mouse input for selecting icons, right click on the EyeMine keyboard and open the Settings. In the 'Pointing and Selecting' menu, change the input source to 'Mouse Position'.

Use Windows Control for mouse emulation

Make sure the Tobii Windows Control app is active. Set it to move the cursor, without any mouse click actions. Now you can start playing Minecraft with the EyeMine keyboard. Don't worry if the cursor is a bit wobbly or distracting - once you are playing Minecraft and using EyeMine the cursor will not be visible.

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