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The source code for IES Simulator!
Play the game here:
Contact us if you want to contribute! ( It was made in unity so you'll have to get that. Unity is free so yay.

Here's a little step by step guide to getting everything set up!


First of all, you'll need unity. That's the engine we used to make the game.

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account
  3. Click Get Unity
  4. Click Personal
  5. Click Download Unity Hub
  6. Install Unity Hub
  7. Once it's done, click Official Releases
  8. Here you'll see a bunch of versions. You need to get the right one! Go to the discord server ( and go to #info. There, it should say what unity version you'll need!
  9. Find that version in Unity Hub. Now just click download!
  10. A nice little menu will pop up. Here, you can choose what to download. You only NEED unity, so the other stuff you can pick and choose what you want to download. It doesn't really matter that much, but rember the more stuff you choose the longer it will take to download! (You can always download extra stuff later)
  11. While you wait, you might as well go to the next step and set up GitHub!
  12. When the download is finished, Unity is all set to go! :)


You're also gonna need GitHub. We'll use this to sync the project between our computers!

  1. Go to (haha syke you're already on it!)
  2. Create an account
  3. Go to and download GitHub desktop.
  4. Install that!
  5. When the installation is complete, go to and click "Clone or Download".
  6. Click "Open in desktop" and say yes to any prompts that pop up.
  7. Now, GitHub desktop should start cloning the project (you'll see a progress bar!)
  8. When that's done, you're pretty much ready to go. BUT! You won't be able to publish your changes scince you aren't a collaborator. You can email and write your GitHub username, and I'll invite you to collaborate on the project :D. Then you should get an email saying "SpeedFrame invited you to collaborate" or something similar. Click yes!
  9. Woah! GitHub is all set up! YA DID IT!


  1. Find the path you clones IES Simulator to. This is in Documents by default. To find it you can gi to GitHub desktop and click "IES Simulator" and then right click on "IES SImulator" (below). Then press "Show in explorer".
  2. So, you got the file path. Yay! Now go to Unity Hub, go to projects and click Projects. Now go to open, and find your project file. It's the folder called "6E SImulator" and it has Assets and other stuff in it. Open that folder!
  3. Voila! You're now in unity. Next time, you won't need to find the path again, it will just "appear" in Unity Hub.


Great mate! You've done something. Probably something cool. Like an easter egg or something. Congratz! Now, you need to push (upload) your changes so we can have them as well!

  1. Go to the GitHub Desktop app you downloaded earlier
  2. Write a little summary of what you've added
  3. Click "commit to master"
  4. BUT WAIT! You're not done. When it's been commited, you need to press the "Push to origin" button in the top right corner!
  5. Once that's done uploading, you're done! We can now download your changes!

AAAAAAND THAT SHOULD DO IT! If you get any errors, I have some common ones below. Otherwise feel free to contact us \ (•◡•) /


  1. Log out of GitHub desktop
  2. Log back in
  3. Enjoy your day


If you get an error about a db.lock file, we've got ya covered! Here's two ways to fix it:

  1. Close visual Studio if you have that open. Now try commiting/pushing.
  2. If that doesn't work, go to the specified path and delete the db.lock file.

OHNO! GITHUB GIVES ME ERROR WHEN I PULL (download someone's changes)

That's probably because you have some local edits. If you didn't do anthing significant, you can right click on a change and select discard all. If you have done something cool though, just press commit and then pull :D