This is a repository for the application developed for the assignments given for the course CSE 4283 Software Testing and Quality Assurance.
Assignment 2: Goals of the assignment are to build a command line interface that can execute a few functions (calculate BMI, calculate age of retirment) while following Test Driven Development principals. Further details on the assignment can be found under Docs/Assignment-2-Spring2020.pdf.
Assignment 3: Goals of the assignment are to implement a web interface, deploy it online, make a continuous integration pipeline, and set of delivery tools(?). Further details on the assignment can be found under Docs/Assignment-3-Spring2020.pdf. Required steps are:
- Source control
- Continuous integration
- Static analysis
- Automated unit tests
- Automated end-to-end tests
- Automated deploy to staging
- Manual push to production
- 3rd party code coverage
- GitHub surprise for source control and continuous integration
- Sider for static code analysis and linting
- Travis CI runs Python's unittest module for automated unit testing
- Heroku and GitHub Pages for automated web deployment
- Travis CI runs a local PHP server and runs SeleniumBase(a Selenium wrapper for Python) for automated end to end tests
- GitHub allows for a manual push from Staging to Production
- Coverage(the Coveralls runner for Python) for the unit tests' code coverage
If you wish to see a list of all tests assocciated with each function as well their result, go to the test doc in Docs/